Name | Description | |
ActiveCellIndex | Gets or sets the index of the selection which contains the active cell. | |
ActiveSelection | Gets the selection that contains the active cell. | |
DefaultGridlineColor | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the consuming application should use the default grid lines color (system dependent). Overrides any color specified in colorId. | |
DisplayFormulas | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this sheet should display formulas. | |
DisplayGridlines | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this sheet should display grid lines. | |
DisplayHeadings | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sheet should display row and column headings. | |
DisplayOutline | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sheet has outline symbols visible. | |
DisplayRuler | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the ruler in Page Layout View. | |
DisplayWhitespace | Gets or sets a value indicating whether page layout view shall display margins. | |
DisplayZeros | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the window should show 0 (zero) in cells containing zero value. | |
FreezePanes | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the split panes are frozen. | |
GridlineColorIndex | Gets or sets the color value for gridlines. This is an 'index color value' (ICV) rather than rgb value. | |
RightToLeft | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sheet is in 'right to left' display mode. | |
SelectionCount | Gets the total number of selections. | |
Split | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet is split. | |
SplitColumn | Gets or sets the column number where the window is split into panes (the number of columns to the left of the split line). | |
SplitHorizontal | Gets or sets the location of the horizontal window split, in points. | |
SplitRow | Gets or sets the row number where the window is split into panes (the number of rows to the top of the split line). | |
SplitVertical | Gets or sets the location of the vertical window split, in points. | |
TabSelected | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this sheet is selected. | |
TopLeftCell | Gets the location of the top left visible cell in the bottom right pane (when in Left-to-Right mode). | |
Type | Gets or sets the type of this view. | |
WindowProtection | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the panes in the window are locked due to workbook protection. | |
ZoomScale | Gets or sets the window zoom magnification for current view representing percent values. | |
ZoomScaleNormal | Gets or sets the zoom magnification to use when in normal view, representing percent values. | |
ZoomScalePageBreakPreview | Gets or sets the zoom magnification to use when in page break preview, representing percent values. | |
ZoomScalePageLayoutView | Gets or sets the zoom magnification to use when in page layout view, representing percent values. |