Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing Namespace / AutoShapeType Enumeration

AutoShapeType Enumeration
Specifies the shape type for an IShape object.
Public Enum AutoShapeType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As AutoShapeType
AlternateProcessFlowAlternate process flowchart symbol
BackorPreviousButtonBack or Previous button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
BeginningButtonBeginning button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
BentArrowBlock arrow that follows a curved 90-degree angle.
BentConnector2Bent connector 2
BentConnector3Bent connector 3
BentConnector4Bent connector 4
BentConnector5Bent connector 5
BentUpArrowBlock arrow that follows a sharp 90-degree angle. Points up by default.
BlankButtonButton with no default picture or text. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
BlockArcBlock arc
BracePairDouble brace
BracketPairDouble bracket
Callout1Callout with horizontal line
Callout1AccentCallout with horizontal accent bar
Callout1BorderCallout with horizontal line and border
Callout1BorderAccentCallout with border and horizontal accent bar
Callout2Callout with diagonal callout line
Callout2AccentCallout with diagonal callout line and accent bar
Callout2BorderCallout with angled callout line and border
Callout2BorderAccentCallout with border, diagonal straight line, and accent bar
Callout3Callout with angled callout line
Callout3AccentCallout with angled callout line and accent bar
Callout3BorderCallout with angled callout line and border
Callout3BorderAccentCallout with border, angled callout line, and accent bar
CalloutCloudCloud callout
ChartPlusSquare divided vertically and horizontally into four quarters
ChartStarSquare divided into six parts along vertical and diagonal lines
ChartXSquare divided into four parts along diagonal lines
ChordCircle with a line connecting two points on the perimeter through the interior of the circle; a circle with a chord
CircularArrowBlock arrow that follows a curved 180-degree angle
CloudCloud shape
CollateFlowCollate flowchart symbol
ConnectorFlowConnector flowchart symbol
CornerRectangle with rectangular-shaped hole.
CornerTabsFour right triangles aligning along a rectangular path; four 'snipped' corners.
CurvedConnector2Curved connector 2
CurvedConnector3Curved connector 3
CurvedConnector4Curved connector 4
CurvedConnector5Curved connector 5
CurvedDownArrowBlock arrow that curves down
CurvedLeftArrowBlock arrow that curves left
CurvedRightArrowBlock arrow that curves right
CurvedUpArrowBlock arrow that curves up
CustomThe custom shape.
DecisionFlowDecision flowchart symbol
DelayFlowDelay flowchart symbol
DiagonalStripeRectangle with two triangles-shapes removed; a diagonal stripe
DisplayFlowDisplay flowchart symbol
DocumentButtonDocument button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
DocumentFlowDocument flowchart symbol
DoubleWaveDouble wave
DownArrowBlock arrow that points down
DownArrowCalloutCallout with arrow that points down
EightPointedStar8-point star
EllipseRibbonEllipse ribbon
EllipseRibbon2Ellipse ribbon 2
EndButtonEnd button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
ExtractFlowExtract flowchart symbol
FivePointedStar5-point star
FoldedCornerFolded corner
ForwardorNextButtonForward or Next button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
FourPointedStar4-point star
FrameRectangular picture frame
Gear6Gear with six teeth
Gear9Gear with nine teeth
HalfFrameHalf of a rectangular picture frame
HelpButtonHelp button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
HomeButtonHome button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
HomePlateHome place
HorizontalScrollHorizontal scroll
InformationButtonInformation button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
InputOutputFlowInput output flowchart symbol
InternalStorageFlowInternal storage flowchart symbol
IrregularSeal1Irregular seal 1
IrregularSeal2Irregular seal 2
LeftArrowBlock arrow that points left
LeftArrowCalloutCallout with arrow that points left
LeftBraceLeft brace
LeftBracketLeft bracket
LeftCircularArrowCircular arrow pointing counter-clockwise
LeftRightArrowBlock arrow with arrowheads that point both left and right
LeftRightArrowCalloutCallout with arrowheads that point both left and right
LeftRightCircularArrowCircular arrow pointing clockwise and counter-clockwise; a curved arrow with points at both ends
LeftRightRibbonLef ellipse ribbon
LeftRightUpArrowBlock arrow with arrowheads that point left, right, and up
LeftUpArrowBlock arrow with arrowheads that point left and up
LightningBoltLightning bolt
LineInverseLine inverse
MagneticDiskFlowMagnetic disk flowchart symbol
MagneticDrumFlowMagnetic drum flowchart symbol
MagneticTapeFlowMagnetic tape flowchart symbol
ManualInputFlowManual input flowchart symbol
ManualOperationFlowManual operation flowchart symbol
MathDivideDivision symbol
MathEqualEquivalence symbol
MathMinusSubtraction symbol
MathMultiplyMultiplication symbol
MathNotEqualNon-equivalence symbol
MathPlusAddition symbol
MergeFlowMerge flowchart symbol
MovieButtonMovie button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
MultiDocumentFlowMulti-document flowchart symbol
NonIsoscelesTrapezoidTrapezoid with asymmetrical non-parallel sides
NoSymbol"No" symbol
NotchedRightArrowNotched block arrow that points right
OfflineStorageFlowOffline storage flowchart symbol
OffPageConnectorFlowOff-page connector flowchart symbol
OneRoundCornerRectangleRectangle with one rounded corner
OneSnipCornerRectangleRectangle with one snipped corner
OneSnipOneRoundCornerRectangleRectangle with one snipped corner and one rounded corner
OnlineStorageFlowOnline storage flowchart symbol
OrFlow"Or" flowchart symbol
PieCircle ('pie') with a portion missing
PieWedgeQuarter of a circular shape
PlaqueTabsFour quarter-circles defining a rectangular shape
PlusPlus symbol
PredefinedProcessFlowPredefined process flowchart symbol
PreparationFlowPreparation flowchart symbol
ProcessFlowProcess flowchart symbol
PunchedCardFlowCard flowchart symbol
PunchedTapeFlowPunched tape flowchart symbol
QuadArrowBlock arrows that point up, down, left, and right
QuadArrowCalloutCallout with arrows that point up, down, left, and right
ReturnButtonReturn button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
Ribbon2Ribbon 2
RightArrowBlock arrow that points right
RightArrowCalloutCallout with arrow that points right
RightBraceRight brace
RightBracketRight bracket
RightTriangleRight triangle
RoundCornerRectangleRounded rectangle
SevenPointedStar7-point star
SixPointedStar6-point star
SixteenPointedStar16-point star
SmileyFaceSmiley face
SortFlowSort flowchart symbol
SoundButtonSound button. Supports mouse-click and mouse-over actions.
SquareTabsFour small squares that define a rectangular shape
StraightConnector1Straight connector
StripedRightArrowBlock arrow that points right with stripes at the tail
SummingJunctionFlowSumming junction flowchart symbol
SwooshArrowCurved arrow
TeardropWater droplet
TenPointedStar10-point star
TerminatorFlowTerminator flowchart symbol
ThirtyTwoPointedStar32-point star
TwelvePointedStar12-point star
TwentyFourPointedStar24-point star
TwoDiagonalRoundCornerRectangleRectangle with two rounded corners, diagonally-opposed
TwoDiagonalSnipCornerRectangleRectangle with two snipped corners, diagonally-opposed
TwoSameSideRoundCornerRectangleRectangle with two-rounded corners that share a side
TwoSameSideSnipCornerRectangleRectangle with two snipped corners that share a side
UnspecifiedReturn value only; indicates a combination of the other states.
UpArrowBlock arrow that points up
UpArrowCalloutCallout with arrow that points up
UpDownArrowBlock arrow with arrowheads that point both up and down
UpDownArrowCalloutCallout with arrowheads that point both up and down
UTurnArrowBlock arrow forming a U shape
VerticalScrollVertical scroll
WedgeEllipseCalloutCallout with wedge and ellipse
WedgeRectangleCalloutCallout with wedge and rectangle
WedgeRoundRectangleCalloutCallout with wedge and round rectangle
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also