Spread WinForms 15
Spread Windows Forms 15.0 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Using the Chart Designer / Adding Charts
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Adding Charts
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You can add a chart control to the sheet using Spread designer.

To add a chart control, select Chart section in the Spread Designer under the Insert menu. The second image shows the Chart Tools menu option which is displayed after a chart is added.

Layers on a sheet


Layers on a sheet

 Use the following steps to add a chart.

  1. Open the Spread Designer and type chart data in the cells (similar to the data in the code example after this section).
  2. Select a range of cells with data.
  3. Click on the Insert menu option and then pick the chart type (see the above image).
  4. The Chart Tool menu will appear with additional options.
  5. Close the Spread Designer and save the changes.

After adding a chart, open the Chart Designer for advance settings.

See Also