Spread Windows Forms 15.0
Spread Windows Forms 15.0 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Sparklines / Add Sparklines using Formulas / Area Sparkline
In This Topic
    Area Sparkline
    In This Topic

    Area sparklines are presented as a line sparkline graph in which the area between the series and the X axis is filled with color. You can create an area sparkline by using the AREASPARKLINE formula.

    The area sparkline formula has the following syntax:

    =AREASPARKLINE(points, [min, max, line1, line2, colorPositive, colorNegative, lineColor])

    The formula options are described below:

    Option Description
    points A cell range. Invalid values are treated as 0.



    A number that represents the minimum value of the sparkline.



    A number that represents the maximum value of the sparkline.



    A number that represents a horizontal line's vertical position.



    A number that represents a second horizontal line's vertical position.



    A string that represents the area color of positive values.



    A string that represents the area color of negative values.



    A string that represents the color of the line.
    Note: In case value of line is smaller than the actual minimum value, the line will not be painted.

    Usage Scenario

    Consider a scenario where an entertainment-focused website displays the number of monthly subscribers gained by US-based streaming services. An area sparkline can show the fluctuation throughout the first six months of the year and compare the viewership obtained by those services.


    Copy Code
    // Set data
    worksheet.SetValue(1, 0, new object[,]
        {"Stream","January","February","March","April","May","June", "Diagram"},
        { "Netflix",323123,245631,122398,345341,327831,234234, null},
        { "Prime Video",214352,23454,545656,712433,273911,349034, null},
        { "Disney Hotstar",234234,123435,432534,343454,345343,636349, null},
        { "HBO",726326,634523,374000,678300,700028,602090, null},
        { "Hulu",52692,32423,12383,45376,30019,26001,null}
    // Set backColor for cells
    worksheet.Cells["A1"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFFD9A7A7));
    worksheet.Cells["A2:H2"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFFE3C3C3));
    worksheet.Cells["A3:H7"].Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFFF9F9F9));
    fpSpread1_Sheet1.Cells["A1"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFF3D3131));
    fpSpread1_Sheet1.Cells["A2:H2"].ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int)0xFF3D3131));
    // Set AreaSparkline formula
    worksheet.Cells["H3:H7"].Formula = "Areasparkline(A3:F3,,,0,100000,\"#E9958E\",\"#f7a711\")";
    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    'Set data
    worksheet.SetValue(1, 0, New Object(,) {
    {"Stream", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "Diagram"},
    {"Netflix", 323123, 245631, 122398, 345341, 327831, 234234, Nothing},
    {"Prime Video", 214352, 23454, 545656, 712433, 273911, 349034, Nothing},
    {"Disney Hotstar", 234234, 123435, 432534, 343454, 345343, 636349, Nothing},
    {"HBO", 726326, 634523, 374000, 678300, 700028, 602090, Nothing},
    {"Hulu", 52692, 32423, 12383, 45376, 30019, 26001, Nothing}})
    'Set backColor for cells
    worksheet.Cells("A1").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFFD9A7A7)
    worksheet.Cells("A2:H2").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFFE3C3C3)
    worksheet.Cells("A3:H7").Interior.Color = GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Color.FromArgb(&HFFF9F9F9)
    FpSpread1_Sheet1.Cells("A1").ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(&HFF3D3131)
    FpSpread1_Sheet1.Cells("A2:H2").ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(&HFF3D3131)
    'Set AreaSparkline formula
    worksheet.Cells("H3:H7").Formula = "Areasparkline(A3:F3,,,0,100000,""#E9958E"",""#f7a711"")"

    Using the Spread Designer

    1. Type data in a cell or a column or row of cells in the designer.
    2. Select a cell for the sparkline.
    3. Select the Insert menu.
    4. Select a sparkline type.
    5. Set the Data Range in the Create Sparklines dialog (such as =Sheet1!$E$1:$E$3).
      Alternatively, set the range by selecting the cells in the range using the pointer.

      You can also set additional sparkline settings in the dialog if available.

    6. Select OK.
    7. Select Apply and Exit from the File menu to save your changes and close the designer.