Spread WinForms 15
Spread Windows Forms 15.0 Product Documentation / Spread Designer Guide / Working with the Design / Printing a Sheet from Spread Designer
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Printing a Sheet from Spread Designer
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You can print a sheet from Spread Designer. You can also preview the print job before printing the sheet. From the File menu, select Print and then Print Preview to see a window with the page layout of a particular sheet (the latest selected sheet).

If you have already set up the printing and if you have used the Print Preview to see a preview of the printing results, from the File menu, select Print to immediately send the sheet to the printer. No dialog box appears. The Spread Designer uses your settings and prints to your default printer.

If you want to set the printing settings, use the Page Setup Settings available from the menu by selecting Page Layout. For more information, refer to the Sheet Print Settings Dialog.

For more information about printing in general, see Printing in the Developer’s Guide.

For more tasks in Spread Designer, return to Working with the Design.

See Also