Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Namespace / DataRestrictions Enumeration

DataRestrictions Enumeration
Specifies the reason for an unaccepted expression or value.
Public Enum DataRestrictions 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As DataRestrictions
ExternalReferenceYou may not use references to other workbooks.
IntegerOnlyDecimal values cannot be used.
InvalidBetweenThe maximum must be greater than or equal to the minimum.
InvalidFormulaEnter a valid formula.
InvalidMultiReferenceThis type of reference cannot be used in a formula. Change the reference to a single cell, or use the reference with a worksheet function, such as =SUM(A1:E5).
InvalidReferenceThis type of reference cannot be used in a formula.
InvalidValueThe value (date/time) you entered is invalid.
ListSourceThe list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column.
MissingBetweenYou must enter both a Maximum and a Minimum.
NegativeValueNegative values cannot be used.
NoneIndicates that the expression is valid.
NotFoundNamedRangeA named range you specified cannot be found.
NumericOnlyThe value must be a numeric value, numeric expression, or refer to a cell containing a numeric value.
ReferenceOperatorsOrArrayConstantsYou may not use reference operators (such as unions, intersections and ranges) or array constants.
RelativeReferenceYou cannot use relative references.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also