Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing Namespace / GeometryFillMode Enumeration

GeometryFillMode Enumeration
Represents the manner in which a geometry should be filled. The lightening and darkening of a geometry allow for certain parts of the shape to be colored lighter of darker depending on user preference.
Public Enum GeometryFillMode 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As GeometryFillMode
DarkenThe corresponding path should have a darker shaded color applied to its fill.
DarkenLessThe corresponding path should have a slightly darker shaded color applied to its fill.
LightenThe corresponding path should have a lightly shaded color applied to its fill.
LightenLessThe corresponding path should have a slightly lighter shaded color applied to its fill.
NoneThe corresponding path should have no fill.
NormalThe corresponding path should have a normally shaded color applied to its fill.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also