Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Drawing Namespace / PresetTextEffectShape Enumeration

PresetTextEffectShape Enumeration
Specifies shape of text.
Public Enum PresetTextEffectShape 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As PresetTextEffectShape
ArchDownCurveText is an arch that curves down.
ArchDownPourText is a 3-D arch that curves down.
ArchUpCurveText is an arch that curves up.
ArchUpPourText is a 3-D arch that curves up.
ButtonCurveText is curved around a center button.
ButtonPourText is seen in 3-D, curved around a center button.
CanDownText is stretched to fill the height of the shape, with only a slight curve down.
CanUpText is stretched to fill the height of the shape, with only a slight curve up.
CascadeDownText slants up and to the right as font size decreases.
CascadeUpText slants down and to the right as font size increases.
ChevronDownText slants up to its center point and then slants down.
ChevronUpText slants down to its center point and then slants up.
CircleCurveText follows a circle, reading clockwise.
CirclePourText has a 3-D effect and follows a circle, reading clockwise.
CurveDownText curves down and to the right as font size decreases.
CurveUpText curves down and to the right as font size increases.
DeflateFont size decreases to the text's midpoint, then increases to the starting size.
DeflateBottomFont size decreases to the text's midpoint, then increases to the starting size, while keeping the top of the text along the same curve.
DeflateInflateFont size increases to the text's midpoint, then decreases to the starting size.
DeflateInflateDeflateFont size decreases, increases, and decreases again across the text.
DeflateTopFont size decreases to the text's midpoint, then increases to the starting size, while keeping the bottom of the text along the same curve.
DoubleWave1Text follows a line that curves up, then down, then up and down again.
DoubleWave2Text follows a line that curves down, then up, then down and up again.
FadeDownTop of the text appears to be closer to the viewer than bottom of the text.
FadeLeftLeft side of text appears to be closer to the viewer than right side.
FadeRightRight side of text appears to be closer to the viewer than left side.
FadeUpBottom of text appears to be closer to the viewer than top.
InflateFont size of text increases to its center point, then decreases. Center point of each letter is on the same straight line.
InflateBottomFont size of text increases to its center point, then decreases. Center point of each letter follows an arch that curves downward.
InflateTopFont size of text increases to its center point, then decreases. Center point of each letter follows an arch that curves upward.
PlainTextNo shape applied.
RingInsideText appears to be written on the inside of a 3-D ring.
RingOutsideText appears to be written on the outside of a 3-D ring.
SlantDownText slants down and to the right.
SlantUpText slants up and to the right.
StopText follows the shape of a stop sign.
TriangleDownText slants up, then down.
TriangleUpText slants down, then up.
UnspecifiedNot used.
Wave1Text follows a wave up, then down and up again.
Wave2Text follows a wave down, then up and down again.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also