Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Namespace / CharacterSet Enumeration

CharacterSet Enumeration
Defines the possible sets of character glyphs that are defined in fonts for graphics output.
Public Enum CharacterSet 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As CharacterSet
AnsiSpecifies the English character set.
ArabicSpecifies the Arabic character set.
BalticSpecifies the Baltic (Northeastern European) character set.
ChineseBig5Specifies the "traditional" Chinese character set, used mostly in Taiwan and in the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions.
DefaultSpecifies a character set based on the current system locale; for example, when the system locale is United States English, the default character set is Ansi.
EastEuropeSpecifies a Eastern European character set.
Gb2312Specifies the "simplified" Chinese character set for People's Republic of China.
GreekSpecifies the Greek character set.
HangulSpecifies the Hangul Korean character set.
HebrewSpecifies the Hebrew character set.
JohabSpecifies the Johab Korean character set.
MacSpecifies the Apple Macintosh character set.
OemSpecifies a mapping to one of the OEM code pages, according to the current system locale setting.
RussianSpecifies the Russian Cyrillic character set.
ShiftJisSpecifies the Japanese character set.
SymbolSpecifies a character set of symbols.
ThaiSpecifies the Thai character set.
TurkishSpecifies the Turkish character set.
VietnameseSpecifies the Vietnamese character set.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also