Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Drawing Namespace / PatternType Enumeration

PatternType Enumeration
Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
Public Enum PatternType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As PatternType
CrossThe cross
DarkDownwardDiagonalThe dark downward diagonal
DarkHorizontalThe dark horizontal
DarkUpwardDiagonalThe dark upward diagonal
DarkVerticalThe dark vertical
DashedDownwardDiagonalThe dashed downward diagonal
DashedHorizontalThe dashed horizontal
DashedUpwardDiagonalThe dashed upward diagonal
DashedVerticalThe dashed vertical
DiagonalBrickThe diagonal brick
DiagonalCrossThe diagonal cross
DivotThe divot
DotGridThe dot grid
DottedDiamondThe dotted diamond
DownwardDiagonalThe downward diagonal
HorizontalThe horizontal
HorizontalBrickThe horizontal brick
LargeCheckThe large check
LargeConfettiThe large confetti
LargeGridThe large grid
LightDownwardDiagonalThe light downward diagonal
LightHorizontalThe light horizontal
LightUpwardDiagonalThe light upward diagonal
LightVerticalThe light vertical
NarrowHorizontalThe narrow horizontal
NarrowVerticalThe narrow vertical
OpenDiamondThe open diamond
Percent1010% of the foreground color
Percent2020% of the foreground color
Percent2525% of the foreground color
Percent3030% of the foreground color
Percent4040% of the foreground color
Percent55% of the foreground color
Percent5050% of the foreground color
Percent6060% of the foreground color
Percent7070% of the foreground color
Percent7575% of the foreground color
Percent8080% of the foreground color
Percent9090% of the foreground color
PlaidThe plaid
ShingleThe shingle
SmallCheckThe small check
SmallConfettiThe small confetti
SmallGridThe small grid
SolidDiamondThe solid diamond
SphereThe sphere
TrellisThe trellis
UnspecifiedThe unspecified pattern
UpwardDiagonalThe upward diagonal
VerticalThe vertical
WaveThe wave
WeaveThe weave
WideDownwardDiagonalThe wide downward diagonal
WideUpwardDiagonalThe wide upward diagonal
ZigZagThe zig zag
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also