| Name | Description |
 | CanAutoFitRow | Checks whether a row is eligible for auto row height when cell's value or properties changed |
 | ClearColumns | Clears the axis settings of columns |
 | ClearRows | Clears the axis settings of rows |
 | CopyEntireAxis | Copies axis information from the current LayoutManager to another LayoutManager. |
 | FindMergedCell | Overloaded. Finds the merged cell which intersects with the specified reference. |
 | FindOverlapMergedCell | Finds all merged cells which overlap the specified reference. |
 | GenerateUILayout | |
 | GetActivePane | Gets the active pane. |
 | GetColumnAxisVisibility | Gets the column axis visibility. It contains hidden column indexes. |
 | GetColumnMergePolicy | Gets the MergePolicy value indicating whether to automatically merge adjacent identical cells. |
 | GetColumnResizable | Gets whether a column can be resized |
 | GetColumnWidth | Gets the width of the column. |
 | GetHorizontalPaneCount | Gets the total numbers of horizontal panes. |
 | GetMaxOutlineLevel | Gets an integer value represents the maximum outline level. |
 | GetPane | Gets the pane from the specified cell. |
 | GetPaneColumn | Gets the column number where the window is split into the specified pane. |
 | GetPaneHeight | Gets the height of the specified pane. |
 | GetPaneOffsetX | Gets the column offset x where the window is split into the specified pane. |
 | GetPaneOffsetY | Gets the row offset y where the window is split into the specified pane. |
 | GetPaneRow | Gets the row number where the window is split into the specified pane. |
 | GetPaneWidth | Gets the width of the specified pane. |
 | GetRowAxisVisibility | Gets the row axis visibility. It contains hidden row indexes. |
 | GetRowHeight | Gets the height of the row. |
 | GetRowMergePolicy | Gets the MergePolicy value indicating whether to automatically merge adjacent identical cells. |
 | GetRowResizable | Gets whether a row can be resized |
 | GetScaledPaneOffsetX | |
 | GetScaledPaneOffsetY | Gets the scaled row offset y where the window is split into the specified pane. |
 | GetTotalVisibleSize | Gets the total visible size of the specified axis. |
 | GetVerticalPaneCount | Gets the total numbers of horizontal panes. |
 | IsIntersectedButNotOverlapMergedCell | Gets a boolean value indicates that the specified range intersects with a merged cell but not overlap it. |
 | IsMergedCellAvailable | Overloaded. Indicates whether there is at least on merged cell in the worksheet. |
 | IsOutlineAvailable | Determines whether the corresponding outline contains group(s). |
 | Merge | Creates a merged cell from the specified cell range. |
 | NextDifferenceVisibleColumn | Gets the next different visible row. |
 | NextDifferenceVisibleRow | Gets the next different visible row. |
 | PreviousDifferenceVisibleColumn | Gets the previous different visible row. |
 | PreviousDifferenceVisibleRow | Gets the previous different visible row. |
 | ResetAxisProperty | Resets the axis property of specified row or column |
 | SetActivePane | Sets the active pane. |
 | SetAutoRowHeight | Sets the automatic size to a specific row. |
 | SetColumnHidden | Overloaded. Sets the hidden of the column. |
 | SetColumnMergePolicy | Overloaded. Sets the MergePolicy value indicating whether to automatically merge adjacent identical cells. |
 | SetColumnResizable | Overloaded. Sets the resizable flag of a column |
 | SetColumnWidth | Overloaded. Sets the width of the column. |
 | SetPaneColumn | Sets the left column of the specified pane. |
 | SetPaneOffsetX | Sets the left offset of the specified pane. |
 | SetPaneOffsetY | Sets the top offset the specified pane. |
 | SetPaneRow | Sets the top row of the specified pane. |
 | SetRowHeight | Overloaded. Sets the height of the row. |
 | SetRowHidden | Overloaded. Sets the hidden state for the specified rows. |
 | SetRowMergePolicy | Overloaded. Sets the MergePolicy value indicating whether to automatically merge adjacent identical cells. |
 | SetRowResizable | Overloaded. Sets the resizable flag of a row |
 | UnMerge | Overloaded. Separates a merged area into individual cells. |