Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Namespace / ICompositeExtendData Interface
Properties Methods

ICompositeExtendData Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ICompositeExtendData.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets a boolean value indicating whether this instance can affect to preferred row height  
 PropertyGets a value indicating whether this instance can be reused via composing.  
 PropertyGets the identifier of the extension. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IO.Exchangeable.IExtension<Styles>)
Public Methods
 MethodEnables an extension object to find out when it has been aggregated. Called when the extension is added to the IExtensionObject<T>.Extensions property. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IO.Exchangeable.IExtension<Styles>)
 MethodCreates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.ICloneable<ICompositeExtendData>)
 MethodComposites data from higher level object. Data of this object will be replaced.  
 MethodCopies data from the source instance.  
 MethodEnables an object to find out when it is no longer aggregated. Called when an extension is removed from the IExtensionObject<T>.Extensions property. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IO.Exchangeable.IExtension<Styles>)
 Method (Inherited from System.IEquatable<IExtendedData>)
 MethodExports the extension data. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IExtendedData)
 MethodImports the extension data. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IExtendedData)
 MethodDetermines whether this instance is empty. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IExtendedData)
 MethodGets a value indicating whether the extension requires to export its data. (Inherited from GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IExtendedData)
 MethodMerges data from lower level object. Data of this object will be kept.  
 MethodRemove common data from this ICompositeExtendData object.  
See Also