Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Spreadsheet Assembly / GrapeCity.Drawing Namespace / IDrawingContext Interface

In This Topic
IDrawingContext Interface Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see IDrawingContext members.

Public Methods
 MethodDisposes this instance.  
 MethodDraws the camera object.  
 MethodDraws an ellipse with the specified Brush and Pen.  
 MethodDraws the specified GeometryDrawing object.  
 MethodDraws the built-in icon.  
 MethodOverloaded. Draws the specified ImageDrawing object.  
 MethodDraws a line between the specified points using the specified Pen.  
 MethodDraws a rectangle with the specified Brush and Pen. The pen and the brush can be null.  
 MethodDraws a rounded rectangle with the specified Brush and Pen.  
 MethodDraws the specified text string in the specified rectangle with the specified Brush and GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.Font objects.  
 MethodGets the bitmap data of the specified built-in icon.  
 MethodMeasures the boundary of the specified GeometryDrawing object.  
 MethodMeasures the size of the icon.  
See Also