Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win.SuperEdit Namespace / GeneralFormatter Class

GeneralFormatter Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see GeneralFormatter members.

Public Methods
Public MethodParses and returns the "value" from a formatted string.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Parses and returns the "value" from an unformatted string along with additional information about the parsed string.  
Public MethodGets the parsed string type.  
Public MethodReturns a formatted string (plus attributes) for the value passed.  
Public MethodReturns an unformatted string for the value passed.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodGiven the date parts, convert to a date value.  
Protected MethodGiven the date and time parts, convert to date and time values.  
Protected MethodGiven the time parts, convert to a time value.  
Protected MethodParses the date string into a numerical date value.  
Protected MethodParses date format string to determine the order of the day-month-year (and which are included).  
Protected MethodParses date and time format strings to determine the order of the day-month-year and/or hour-min-secs (and which are included).  
Protected MethodReturns the indexes (start and end) of the group of numbers at the left side of the decimal point  
Protected MethodParses time format string to determine the order of the hour-min-secs-am/pm (and which are included).  
Protected MethodDetermines if the passed string begins with one of the month names.  
Protected MethodOverloaded. Converts a string to a date or numeric value.  
Protected MethodProcesses the digit(s) symbol for a date/time string.  
Protected MethodReturns a list of possible "date symbols" for the first "token" in the passed string.  
Protected MethodDetermines if the Positive/Negative sign is allowed at the current position.  
See Also