Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win Namespace
FarPoint.Win Namespace
ClassRepresents an About dialog.
ClassRepresents the About dialog editor.
ClassRepresents the event data for the ApplyBorder event.
ClassRepresents a simple one-line beveled border.
ClassRepresents an object for creating beveled borders in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassProvides a drop-down list of border types for a property of type IBorder in the property grid.
ClassRepresents the border editor.
ClassRepresents the border editor user interface.
ClassRepresents a button element object.
ClassRepresents the base for the canvas. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated.
ClassRepresents the base for the canvas container. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated.
ClassRepresents an array of textual captions.
ClassRepresents the pictures (images) used for the different states of a check box.
ClassProvides a way to receive notifications of changes to the content of the Clipboard using the Windows API.
ClassRepresents a color picker.
ClassRepresents a complex border.
ClassRepresents an object that provides a means of creating complex borders in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassRepresents one side of a four-sided, complex border.
ClassRepresents an object that provides a means of creating a complex border side in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassSpecifies the pattern of the border for one side of a cell.
ClassRepresents a compound border.
ClassRepresents an object for creating a compound border in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassRepresents the common basis (base class) for FarPoint controls.
ClassRepresents a collection of custom cell types.
ClassRepresents a simple double-line border.
ClassRepresents a class that provides a means of creating a double-line border in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassRepresents the drop-down button element.
ClassRepresents the event data for the DropDown event.
ClassRepresents a child-containing control element.
ClassRepresents a control element.
ClassRepresents a collection of elements.
ClassRepresents the event data for the ElementAdd event, which occurs when the user has added an element.
ClassRepresents the event data for the ElementDeleting event, which occurs when the user has deleted an element.
ClassRepresents the element style object.
ClassRepresents the windowless element for a control.
ClassRepresents windowless elements that display buttons.
ClassRepresents an empty border that takes no space.
ClassRepresents the font selector.
ClassRepresents a FarPoint array converter that converts arrays from one type to another.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint button control.
ClassRepresents a FarPoint check box control.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint combo box control.
ClassRepresents a FarPoint expandable object converter that converts expandable objects from one type to another.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint hyperlink control.
ClassRepresents a FarPoint image converter that converts image objects from one type to another.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint button control with multiple options.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint progress indicator control.
ClassRepresents the FarPoint slider (track bar) control.
ClassRepresents a renderer for drawing and getting information about a System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.VisualStyleElement.
ClassRepresents a text editor in the edit control.
ClassRepresents the dimensions of borders and margins.
ClassInternal use only, represents the invalid event argument class, indicate whether hyperlink processing need to be canceled
ClassRepresents a picture to display.
ClassRepresents a product licence dialog.
ClassRepresents a product licence dialog.
ClassRepresents a simple single-line border.
ClassRepresents a class for creating single-line borders in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassRepresents the event data for the NameChanging event.
ClassRepresents the no-focus-change exception.
ClassRepresents a picture to display.
ClassArguments of a PopupCancel event. Provides a reference to the popup form that is to be closed and allows the operation to be cancelled.
ClassContains event information for a PopupClosed event.
ClassRepresents the event data for the PopUp event.
ClassA class to assist in creating popup windows like combo box drop-downs and menus. This class includes functionality to keep the title bar of the popup owner form active while the popup is displayed, and to automatically cancel the popup whenever the user clicks outside the popup window or shifts focus to another application.
ClassA Message Loop filter which detects mouse events while the popup form is shown and notifies the owning PopupWindowHelper class when a mouse click outside the popup occurs.
ClassRepresents the pictures for the different option button states.
ClassRepresents a rounded-edge single-line border.
ClassRepresents a class for creating rounded-edge, single-line border objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors.
ClassRepresents a button for an editing control.
ClassRepresents a button element for an editing control.
ClassRepresents the serializer object for opening from and saving to a file.
ClassRepresents the event data for the SlideLeft event.
ClassRepresents the event data for the SlideRight event.
ClassRepresents a spin-down button element.
ClassRepresents the event data for the SpinDown event.
ClassRepresents a spin-up button element.
ClassRepresents the event data for the SpinUp event.
ClassDescribes the Spread IME helper.
ClassRepresents the string search capabilities using regular expressions.
ClassRepresents the base for editing controls. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated.
ClassRepresents a preview of the editing control.
ClassRepresents the tab manager.
ClassRepresents the event data for the TabManagerChange event.
ClassRepresents the tab strip.
ClassRepresents the event data for the TabStripNavigate event.
ClassRepresents the event data for TabStripSelect event.
ClassRepresents the system unlock dialog.
ClassRepresents a visual style.
ClassRepresents a visual style (Windows XP theme) handle from uxtheme.dll.
InterfaceInterface that supports painting a border around a cell.
InterfaceInterface that supports painting a border around a cell.
InterfaceInterface that supports printing a border to PDF around a cell.
InterfaceInterface that supports border graphics.
InterfaceInterface that supports printing black and white mode(Internal use only).
InterfaceInterface that supports border painting based on cell text orientation angle.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of objects that might not be able to save the entire object from the models.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that handles change notification.
InterfaceInterface that support inject setting for deserializing object right after create instance and before deserializing
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports drop-down notification.
InterfaceInterface that supports generating the name dynamically for ElementWindowless instance.
InterfaceInterface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used for allowing arrows to move the active cell.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInterface that supports setting InputScopeNameValue to the editor control.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInterface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used as formatters. Formatters are responsible for formatting chart contents.
InterfaceInterface that defines the methods and properties required by objects used as formatters. Formatters are responsible for formatting chart contents.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports pop up notification.
InterfaceInterface that supports selection.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of data from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of drawing objects (shapes) from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of presentations from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of presentations from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of settings from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of styles from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of styles from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of objects from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of objects from the models.
InterfaceInterface that supports serialization to XML of objects from the models.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports slide left notification.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports slide right notification.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports spin down notification.
InterfaceInternal use only. Interface that supports spin up notification.
InterfaceInternal use only.
InterfaceInterface that provides the information for painting sheet tabs.
InterfaceInterface that defines properties and methods to support to show grip editor when editing in touch mode.
InterfaceInterfaces that specifies whether a object support screen touch.
InterfaceInterface that supports vertical alignment to the editor control.
InterfaceInterface supplied by objects that support windowless child controls.
StructureFarPoint button paint event arguments.
StructureInternal use only. Defines the rectangle.
StructureInternal use only. Defines the range.
StructureInternal use only. Transforms.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the ApplyBorder event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the DropDown event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the element add event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the element deleting event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the InvalidData event.
DelegateHandles a NameChanging event.
DelegateRepresents the method which responds to a PopupCancel event.
DelegateRepresents the method which responds to a PopupClosed event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the PopUp event.
DelegateInternal use only. Handles slide right.
DelegateInternal use only. Handles slide right.
DelegateInternal use only. Handles spin down.
DelegateInternal use only. Handles spin up.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the SlideLeft event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the SlideRight event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the SpinDown event.
DelegateRepresents a defined method that handles the SpinUp event.
DelegateDelegate that handles the TabManagerChange events.
DelegateDelegate that handles TabStripNavigate events.
DelegateDelegate that handles TabStripSelect event.
EnumerationInternal use only. Specifies the appearance properties.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and how the list items in a combo box are searched and selected based on character key input.
EnumerationSpecifies the background style
EnumerationSpecifies the type of beveled border.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of the button in the edit control.
EnumerationSpecifies the style of the button to display in the edit control.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of the button text.
EnumerationSpecifies the index for the picture for the states of a check box.
EnumerationSpecifies the value of the check box.
EnumerationSpecifies the character set for valid cell contents.
EnumerationSpecifies the style of the border for one side of a cell.
EnumerationSpecifies how the contents of the control can be handled.
EnumerationSpecifies the default tab shape.
EnumerationSpecifies the display and location of the focus rectangle.
EnumerationSpecifies how to show the list in the combox cell type.
EnumerationSpecifies the edit message.
EnumerationSpecifies the position of the pointer when the edit control receives the focus.
EnumerationSpecifies the state of the element for display.
EnumerationSpecifies the button style to use in the ElementWithButtons class.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of cell.
EnumerationSpecifies whether to show focus rectangle or not
EnumerationSpecifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the scroll style for horizontal scroll control.
EnumerationDetermines how the IME should handle sentences.
EnumerationSpecifies the input scope name which modifies how input from alternative input methods is interpreted.
EnumerationSpecifies what to do with invalid data when the edit control loses focus.
EnumerationSpecifies which side of the combo box the drop-down list is aligned to.
EnumerationSpecifies the navigation buttons.
EnumerationSpecifies the formatting of a negative value in a numeric edit control.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the picture in the control.
EnumerationInternal use only. Specifies the picture properties.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the progress indicator in the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of the progress indicator in the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the appearance of the text portion of the progress indicator.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the option buttons in the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the state of the individual option in the multiple options button control.
EnumerationInternal use only.
EnumerationSpecifies the rendering style for images.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the slider.
EnumerationSpecifies the change action for the tabs.
EnumerationSpecifies where the tabs display.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of text and pictures in a control.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the text in a control.
EnumerationSpecifies whether data is validated when it is provided to the editing control.
EnumerationSpecifies the vertical alignment of the contents of the control.
EnumerationSpecifies the scroll style for vertical scroll control.
EnumerationSpecifies if visual styles are applied to the control.
See Also