Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win Namespace / CheckBoxPictureIndex Enumeration

CheckBoxPictureIndex Enumeration
Specifies the index for the picture for the states of a check box.
Public Enum CheckBoxPictureIndex 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As CheckBoxPictureIndex
FalseSets the index for the false state picture of the check box
FalseDisabledSets the index for the false disabled state picture of the check box
FalsePressedSets the index for the false pressed state picture of the check box
IndeterminateSets the index for the indeterminate state picture of the check box
IndeterminateDisabledSets the index for the indeterminate disabled state picture of the check box
IndeterminatePressedSets the index for the indeterminate pressed state picture of the check box
TrueSets the index for the true state picture of the check box
TrueDisabledSets the index for the true disabled state picture of the check box
TruePressedSets the index for the true pressed state picture of the check box
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also