Spread Windows Forms 15.0
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Touch Namespace / ManipulationModes Enumeration

In This Topic
    ManipulationModes Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies how a target control interprets manipulation events. This enumeration is flagwise to facilitate setting multiple modes.
    Public Enum ManipulationModes 
       Inherits System.Enum
    Dim instance As ManipulationModes
    public enum ManipulationModes : System.Enum 
    AllEnables all manipulation interaction modes.
    NoneDoes not present graphic interaction with manipulation events.
    RotatePermits manipulation actions that rotate the target.
    RotateInertiaApplies inertia to rotate actions.
    ScalePermits manipulation actions that scale the target.
    ScaleInertiaApplies inertia to scale actions.
    TranslateInertiaApplies inertia to translate actions.
    TranslateRailsXPermits manipulation actions that translate the target on the x-axis using a rails mode.
    TranslateRailsYPermits manipulation actions that translate the target on the y-axis using a rails mode.
    TranslateXPermits manipulation actions that translate the target on the x-axis.
    TranslateYPermits manipulation actions that translate the target on the y-axis.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also