| Name | Description |
 | cnvtbLiteralDelimiter | Literal delimiter This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseCurrencyValue | Currency value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDatePartsMaximum | Maximum number of date parts This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDateValue | Date value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDay | Day This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeDateResultsMask | Date mask This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeInvalidDate | Invalid date This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeInvalidTime | Invalid time This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeTimeResultsMask | Time mask This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeValidDate | Valid date This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseDecodeValidTime | Valid time This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseEmptyUndefined | Empty undefined This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseFormulaValue | Formula value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseHour | Hour This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseMinute | Minute This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseMonth | Month This field is constant and read-only. |
  | fpseMonthSeparatorCharSet | Month separator character set. |
 | fpseNumericValue | Numeric value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpsePercentValue | Percent value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSecond | Second This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolComma | Comma symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolDateSeparatorGrp | Date separator symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolMinus | Minus symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName10Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName11Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName12Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName1Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName2Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName3Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName4Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName5Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName6Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName7Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName8Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthName9Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolMonthNameGrp | Month name symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolNumbericDigits | Numeric digits symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolNumberUsedForDate | Number for date symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolNumberUsedForTime | Number for time symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName10Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName11Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName12Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName1Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName2Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName3Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName4Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName5Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName6Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName7Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName8Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthName9Grp | |
 | fpseSymbolShortMonthNameGrp | Month short name symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolTimeAMStringGrp | Time AM symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolTimePMStringGrp | Time PM symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolTimeSeparatorGrp | Time separator symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolUndefined | Undefined symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolUnknown | Unknown symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseSymbolWhiteSpace | White space symbol This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseTempStringMax | Maximum number of characters. This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseTextValue | Text value This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseTimeDesignator | Time designator This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseTimePartsMaximum | Maximum number of time parts This field is constant and read-only. |
 | fpseYear | Year This field is constant and read-only. |
 | strDefCurrencySym | Currency symbol This field is constant and read-only. |