Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Touch Namespace / ManipulationDelta Structure

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ManipulationDelta Structure Members
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The following tables list the members exposed by ManipulationDelta.

Public Fields
Public FieldThe change in distance between touch contacts, as DIPs. For example, if the distance between two contacts changes from 100 DIPs to 200 DIPs during a manipulation, the value of Expansion would be 100.0.  
Public FieldThe change in angle of rotation, in degrees.  
Public FieldThe change in distance between touch contacts, as a percentage. For example, if the distance between two contacts changes from 100 DIPs to 200 DIPs during a manipulation, the value of Scale would be 2.0.  
Public FieldThe change in x-y screen coordinates, in DIPs.  
See Also