Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Excel Assembly / FarPoint.Excel Namespace / IExcelReadOptimized Interface

In This Topic
IExcelReadOptimized Interface Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see IExcelReadOptimized members.

Public Methods
 MethodBUNDLESHEET - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodBeginning of file; notifies the implementation that the workbook load is beginning or we are loading a new sheet. This is needed to clear the shared formula list for each sheet. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodGets the Excel XML auto filter. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML forumla string. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML column header row count. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodOBJ (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodGet the Excel XML conditional format. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML custom names. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML default row height. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML default column width. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML column width. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the font information for importing from Excel BIFF file. Called to determine if Spread Web or Spread Win build. Spread Web stores the default font name in the resources. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodOffset Value for Note Anchor (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML page setup. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGet the right to left of Spread. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodGets the Excel XML row header column count. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSets the Excel xml shapes. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodCalled from BiffRead to query the Shared Formula list maintained in the implementation of this interface (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 Method1904 - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodARRAY - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML auto filter. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodBOTTOMMARGIN - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodCALCCOUNT - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodCALCMODE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML cell format. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSets the Excel XML cell formula. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodCELL NOTE - Excel Biff Record Sets the cell note for the specified location and options. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcels the set cell value.  
 MethodSets the Excel XML column information. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodVERTICALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodOBJ (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML conditional format. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSets the Excel XML custom names. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSets the Excel XML default row height. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSets the Excel XML default column width. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodDELTA - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodDIMENSIONS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodWINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (element display values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 Methodif set hide all in Excel, hide all shapes and charts. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetExternName (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetExternSheet (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetExternSheet (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetFilePass (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodFOOTER - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetHCenter (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodHEADER - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetIteration (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetLeftMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodMERGECELLS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML Page setup. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodPANE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodPASSWORD - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodPrint_Area - Excel Built-In Custom Name (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetPrintGridlines (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetPrintHeaders (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodPrint_Titles - Excel Built-In Custom Name (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodPROTECT - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodREFMODE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetRightMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodWINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (row and column headers, and grid color value) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetRowColumnHeaders (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML row information. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodHORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodBOOKBOOL - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodWINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (scrollbar-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetSelection - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel shape list. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodGets the Excel xml shapes. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSHRFMLA - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Sheet Tab Color (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 Method (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelRead3)
 MethodSets the Excel XML style. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodSUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodWINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (tab-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodWINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (toprow, left column values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetTopMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML validation data. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodExcelSetVCenter - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSets the Excel XML sheet visibility. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodWINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (window-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodExcelSetXF - Excel Biff (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodSCL - Excel Biff Record (Zoom) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodHandles Excel XML. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelXml)
 MethodFinish - called after the Excel BIFF file has completed loading. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
 MethodFlushes the sheet info when finish importing a sheetView.  
 MethodSet the sheet data model (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead)
See Also