Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Excel Assembly / FarPoint.Excel Namespace / MsoFillType Enumeration

MsoFillType Enumeration
mso fill type enumeration.
Public Enum MsoFillType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As MsoFillType
MSO_FILL_BACKGROUNDUse the background fill color or pattern
MSO_FILL_PATTERNFill with a pattern (bitmap)
MSO_FILL_PICTURECenter a picture in the shape
MSO_FILL_SHADEShade from start to end points
MSO_FILL_SHADE_CENTERShade from bounding rectangle to end point
MSO_FILL_SHADE_SCALESimilar to msofillShade, but the fillAngle is scaled additionally by the aspect ratio of the shape. If shape is square, it is the same as msofillShade.
MSO_FILL_SHADE_SHAPEShade from shape outline to end point
MSO_FILL_SHADE_TITLEspecial type - shade to title --- for PP
MSO_FILL_SOLIDFill with a solid color
MSO_FILL_TEXTUREA texture (pattern with its own color map)
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also