| Class | Description |
 | AlRuns | ID Number 0X1050 4176 This record specifies rich text formatting within chart titles, trendline, and data labels. |
 | Area | ID Number 0x101A 4122 This record specifies that the chart group is an area chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | AreaFormat | ID Number 0x100A 4106 This record specifies the patterns and colors used in a filled region of a chart. |
 | AttachedLabel | ID NumBer 0x100C 4108 Specify properties of a data label on a chart group, series, or data point. |
 | AxcExt | ID Number 0x1062 4194 This record specifies additional extension properties of a date axis, along with a CatSerRange record. |
 | AxesUsed | ID Number 0x1046 4166 This record specifies the number of axis groups on the chart. |
 | Axis | ID Number 0x101D 4125 This record specifies properties of an axis |
 | AxisLine | ID Number 0x1021 4129 This record specifies which part of the axis is specified by the LineFormat record that follows. |
 | AxisParent | ID Number 0x1041 4161 This record specifies properties of an axis group. |
 | Bar | ID Number 0x1017 4119 This record specifies that the chart group is a bar chart group or a column chart group, and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | Begin | This record specifies the beginning of a collection of records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | Bes | This structure specifies either a Boolean value or an error value. |
 | BkHim | |
 | Blank | ID Number 0x201 513 This record specifies an empty cell with no formula or value. |
 | Blip | Represents the blip to fill the drawing object. |
 | BlipChart | |
 | BOF | |
 | BoolErr | ID Number 0x205 517 This record specifies a cell that contains either a Boolean value or an error value. |
 | BopPop | ID Number 0x1061 4193 This record specifies that the chart group is a bar of pie chart group or a pie of pie chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | BopPopCustom | It needs to consider more!!!!!!!! ID Number 0x1067 4199 This record specifies which data points in the series are contained in the secondary bar/pie instead of the primary pie. |
 | Border | Border - Excel 12 |
 | Border.BorderSide | Border side - Excel 12 |
 | BorderLine | |
 | BorderPattern | Default Pattern and compound array settings for the pens used to draw borders in the ComplexBorder class. |
 | BottomMargin | |
 | BoundSheet8 | |
 | BRAI | ID Number 0x1051 4177 This record specifies a reference to data in a sheet that is used by a part of a series, legend entry, trendline or error bars. |
 | CatLab | ID Number 0x856 2134 This record specifies the attributes of the axis label. |
 | CatSerRange | ID Number 0x1020 4128 This record specifies the properties of a category (3) axis, a date axis, or a series axis. |
 | Cell | This structure specifies a cell in the current sheet. |
 | CFColor | This structure specifies a color in conditional formatting records or in a SheetExt record. |
 | Chart | ID Number 0x1002 4098 position and size of the chart area the beginning of a collection of records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | Chart3D | ID Number 0x103A 4154 This record specifies that the plot area of the chart group is rendered in a 3-D scene and also specifies the attributes of the 3-D plot area. The preceding chart group type MUST be of type bar, pie, line, area, or surface. |
 | Chart3DBarShape | ID Number 0x105F 4191 Specify the shape of the data points in a bar or column chart group. It is used for a bar or column chart group and MUST be ignored for all other chart groups. |
 | ChartFormat | ID Number 0x1014 4116 The record specifies properties of a chart group |
 | ChartParsedFormula | This structure specifies a formula used in a chart. |
 | ClrtClinet | ID Number 0x105C 4188 Specify a custom color palette for a chart Sheet. |
 | CodeName | This record specifies the name of a workbook object, a sheet object in the VBA project located in this file. If this record is in the Globals Substream, the name is for the workbook object. If this record is in a Chart Sheet Substream, the name is for the chart sheet object representing the sheet. If this record is in a Macro Sheet Substream, the name is for the macro sheet object representing the sheet. If this record is in a Dialog Sheet Substream, the name is for the the dialog sheet object representing the sheet. If this record is in a Worksheet Substream, the name is for the worksheet object representing the sheet. |
 | ContentSynchronizer | Save and Load content types. Internal use only. |
 | Continue | |
 | ContinueFrt12 | ID Number 0x87F 2131 This record specifies a continuation of the data in a preceding Future Record Type record that has data longer than 8,224 bytes. |
 | ControlInfo | |
 | CRN | |
 | CrtLayout12 | ID Number 0x89D 2205 This record specifies the layout information for attached label, when contained in the sequence of records that conforms to the ATTACHEDLABEL rule, or legend, when contained in the sequence of records that conforms to the LD rule. |
 | CrtLayout12A | ID Number 0x8A7 2215 This record specifies layout information for a plot area. |
 | CrtLine | ID Number 0x101C 4124 This record specifies the presence of drop lines, high-low lines, series lines or leader lines on the chart group. |
 | CrtLink | ID Number 0x1022 4130 This record is written but unused. |
 | CrtMlFrt | ID Number 0x89E 2206 Specify additional properties for chart elements, as specified by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. These properties complement the record to which they correspond, and are stored as a structure chain defined in XmlTkChain. |
 | CrtMlFrtContinue | ID Number 0x89F 2207 Specifies additional data for a CrtMlFrt record, as specified in the CrtMlFrt record. |
 | CT_DataIntegrity | |
 | CT_Encryption | |
 | CT_KeyData | |
 | CT_KeyEncryptor | |
 | CT_PasswordKeyEncryptor | |
 | Dat | ID Number 0x1063 4195 This record specifies the beginning of a collection of records as defined by the Chart Sheet Substream ABNF. |
 | DataFormat | ID Number 0x1006 4102 Specify the data point or series that the formatting information |
 | DataLabExt | ID Number 0x86A 2154 This record specifies the beginning of a collection of records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | DataLabExtContents | ID Number 0x86B 2155 Specify the contents of an extended data label. |
 | DefaultText | ID Number 0x1024 4132 This record specifies the text elements that are formatted using the information specified by the Text record. |
 | Dimensions | ID Number 0x200 512 This record specifies the used range of the sheet. It specifies the row and column bounds of used cells in the sheet. Used cells include all cells with formulas or data. |
 | DrawingSynchronizer | Represents a class to save and load Spread sheet drawings objects. Internal use only. |
 | DrawingText | Represents the drawing text and its properties. |
 | DropBar | ID Number 0x103D 4157 This record specifies the attributes of the up bars or the down bars between multiple series of a line chart group. |
 | DropBarInfo | |
 | End | This record specifies the end of a collection of records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | EndBlock | This record specifies the end of a collection of records. |
 | EndObject | ID Number 0x855 2133 This record specifies properties of an Future Record Type (FRT) as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | EnhancedBorderExcelXFormat | EnhancedBorderExcelXFormat class |
 | EnhancedProtection | |
 | EOF | |
 | ExcelChartShape | Excel Chart Shape class |
 | ExcelException | Represents the exceptions arising from loading or saving Excel files. |
 | ExcelFileHandler | Handles loading from and saving to Excel-compatible files. |
 | ExcelFont | |
 | ExcelHelper | Represents a class which contains some utility functions for Excel I/O. |
 | ExcelNoteShape | The class for hodling properties of excel note shape. |
 | ExcelPictShape | Excel Picture Shape Class |
 | ExcelShape | Represents the Excel shape. |
 | ExcelWarning | Represents the warnings arising from loading or saving Excel files. |
 | ExcelWarningList | Represents the collection of warnings generated by loading or saving an Excel file. |
 | ExcelXFormat | XF class |
 | ExcelXMLHelpers | Utility method for import or export. Internal use only. |
 | ExcelXMLStyle | Xml style - Excel 12 |
 | ExternDocName | |
 | ExternName | |
 | ExternSheet | |
 | ExtNameParsedFormula | |
 | ExtPtgArea3D | |
 | ExtPtgAreaErr3D | |
 | ExtPtgErr | |
 | ExtPtgRef3D | |
 | ExtPtgRefErr3D | |
 | FBI | ID Number 0x1060 4192 Specify font information at the time the scalable font is added to the chart. |
 | FBI2 | ID Number 0x1068 4200 Specify font information at the time the scalable font is added to the chart. |
 | FeatHdr | Represents FeatHdr class |
 | FillInfo | Represents FillInfo class |
 | FixedPoint | Specifies an approximation of a real number, where the approximation has a fixed number of digits after the radix point. Value of the real number = Integral + ( Fractional / 65536.0 ) |
 | FontIndex | This structure specifies a Font record in the file. |
 | FontInFo | This structure specifies a font entry used by the FrtFontList record. |
 | FontX | |
 | Footer | |
 | FormatRun | Specify formatting information for a text run. |
 | FormulaSetter | The formula setter Internal use only. |
 | FormulaSetter.FormulaInfo | The formula info. Internal use only. |
 | Frame | ID Number 0x1032 4146 This record specifies the type, size and position of the frame around a chart element as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | FrtFlags | This structure specifies flags used in future record headers. |
 | FrtFontList | ID Number 0x85A 2138 Specify font information used on the chart Specify beginning of a collection of Font records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | FrtHeader | This structure specifies a future record type header. |
 | FrtHeaderOld | This structure specifies a future record type header. |
 | FrtRefHeader | An unsigned integer that specifies the record type identifier. |
 | FrtRefHeaderU | This structure specifies a future record type header. |
 | FrtWrapper | |
 | FtCbls | |
 | FtCblsData | |
 | FtCf | |
 | FtCmo | |
 | FtEdoData | |
 | FtGboData | |
 | FtGmo | |
 | FtLbsData | |
 | FtMacro | |
 | FtNts | |
 | FtPictFmla | |
 | FtPioGrbit | |
 | FtRbo | |
 | FtRboData | |
 | FtSbs | |
 | GelFrame | ID Number 0x1066 4198 This record specifies the properties of a fill pattern for parts of a chart. Page 299 in MS-XLS |
 | GelFrame_Continue | |
 | HCenter | |
 | Header | |
 | HeaderFooter | Skip the Record |
 | HFPicture | This record specifies a picture used by a sheet header or footer. |
 | HideObj | |
 | IFmtRecord | ID Number 0X104E 4174 This record specifies the number format to use for the text on an axis. |
 | Lbl | |
 | LbsDropData | |
 | LeftMargin | |
 | Legend | ID Number 0x1015 4117 This record specifies properties of a legend. |
 | LegendException | ID Number 0x1043 4163 This record specifies information about a legend entry which has been changed from the default legend entry settings. [CLSCompliant(false)] |
 | Line | ID Number 0x1018 4120 This record specifies that the chart group is a line chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | LineFormat | ID Number 0x1007 4103 This record specifies the appearance of a line. |
 | LongRGB | This structure specifies a color as a combination of red, green, and blue. |
 | MarkerFormat | ID Number 0x1009 4105 Specify the color, size, and shape of the associated data markers that appear on line, radar, and scatter chart groups. |
 | MSOCR | |
 | MsoDrawing | MsoDrawing If this record appears in chart sheet SubStream, The OfficeArtClientAnchor structure mentioned in [MS-OFFDRAW] refers to OfficeArtClientAnchorChart. |
 | MsoDrawingGroup | MsoDrawingGroup |
 | MsoDrawingSelection | This record specifies selected drawing objects and the drawing objects in focus on the sheet. |
 | MsoPathEscapeInfo | This record specifies how a path is constructed. This record is used in conjunction with MSOPATHINFO and an array of POINT data to build a path. |
 | MutableStrings | Represents a class which contains common strings which are used by Spread. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
 | Number | ID Number 0x203 515 This record specifies a cell that contains a floating-point number. |
 | OBJ | |
 | OBJ_Contine | |
 | ObjectLink | ID Number 0x1027 4135 Specify an object on a chart, or the entire chart, to which Text is linked. |
 | ObjectParsedFormula | |
 | ObjectsDeserializer | The general purpose of object deserialization. Internal use only. |
 | ObjFmla | |
 | ObjLinkFmla | |
 | ObjProtect | |
 | OfficeArtBlipCMYKJPEG | |
 | OfficeArtBlipDIB | |
 | OfficeArtBlipEMF | |
 | OfficeArtBlipJPEG | |
 | OfficeArtBlipPICT | |
 | OfficeArtBlipPNG | |
 | OfficeArtBlipTIFF | |
 | OfficeArtBlipWMF | |
 | OfficeArtBStoreContainer | |
 | OfficeArtChildAnchor | |
 | OfficeArtClientAnchorChart | |
 | OfficeArtClientAnchorHF | |
 | OfficeArtClientAnchorSheet | |
 | OfficeArtClientData | |
 | OfficeArtClientTextbox | |
 | OfficeArtColorMRUContainer | |
 | OfficeArtDgContainer | |
 | OfficeArtDggContainer | |
 | OfficeArtFArcRule | |
 | OfficeArtFBSE | |
 | OfficeArtFCalloutRule | |
 | OfficeArtFConnectorRule | |
 | OfficeArtFDG | |
 | OfficeArtFDGG | |
 | OfficeArtFDGGBlock | |
 | OfficeArtFOPT | |
 | OfficeArtFOPTE | |
 | OfficeArtFPSPL | |
 | OfficeArtFRIT | |
 | OfficeArtFRITContainer | |
 | OfficeArtFSP | |
 | OfficeArtFSPGR | |
 | OfficeArtIDCL | |
 | OfficeArtMetaFileHeader | |
 | OfficeArtRecordHeader | |
 | OfficeArtRGFOPTE | |
 | OfficeArtRGFOPTE.Property | Properties enumeration inner class. |
 | OfficeArtSecondaryFOPT | |
 | OfficeArtSolverContainer | |
 | OfficeArtSpContainer | |
 | OfficeArtSpgrContainer | |
 | OfficeArtSplitMenuColorContainer | |
 | OfficeArtTertiaryFOPT | |
 | Paletee | ID Number 0x92 This record specifies a custom color palette. Palette specifies properties of the color palettes used in the chart sheet. |
 | ParallelHelper | Represents a class which contains utility functions for parallel tasks. |
 | Password | |
 | Pattern | |
 | Picf | ID Number 0x103C 4156 This record specifies the layout of a picture attached to a picture-filled chart element. |
 | PictFmlaEmbedInfo | |
 | PictFmlaKey | |
 | Pie | ID Number 0x1019 4121 This record specifies that the chart group is a pie chart group or a doughnut chart group, and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | PieFormat | ID Number 0x100B 4107 Specify the distance of a data point or data points in a series from the center of one of the following: 1: plot area for a doughnut or pie chart group. 2: primary pie in a pie of pie or bar of pie chart group. 3: secondary bar/pie of a pie of pie chart group. |
 | PivotChartBits | ID Number 0x859 2137 This record specifies the flags applicable to a Pivot Chart. |
 | PlotArea | ID Number 0x1035 4149 This empty record specifies that the Frame record that immediately follows this record specifies properties of the plot area. |
 | PlotGrowth | ID Number 0x1064 4196 This record specifies the scale factors to use when calculating the font scaling information for a font in the plot area. If no FBI record exists in the chart sheet where scab is 0x0001, this record is unused and MUST be ignored. Otherwise the values from each FBI record where scab is 0x0001 are used in conjunction with values in this record to render the scaled fonts in the plot area. |
 | Pls | |
 | POINT | |
 | Pos | ID Number 0x104F 4175 This record specifies the size and position for a legend, an attached label, or the plot area, as specified by the primary axis group. |
 | PrintSize | This record specifies the printed size of the chart. |
 | Prot4Rev | |
 | Prot4RevPass | |
 | Protect | |
 | PtgArea | |
 | PtgArea3d | |
 | PtgAreaErr | |
 | PtgAreaErr3d | |
 | PtgErr | |
 | PtgMemFunc | |
 | PtgName | |
 | PtgNameX | |
 | PtgParen | |
 | PtgRef | |
 | PtgRef3d | |
 | PtgRefErr | |
 | PtgRefErr3d | |
 | PtgTbl | |
 | PtgUnion | |
 | Radar | ID Number 0x103E 4158 This record specifies that the chart group is a radar chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | RadarArea | ID Number 0x1040 4160 This record specifies that the chart group is a filled radar chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | RECT | |
 | Ref8 | A structure that specifies a range of cells on the sheet. |
 | Ref8U | A structure that specifies a range of cells on the sheet. |
 | RgceArea | |
 | RgceLoc | |
 | RgceLocRel | |
 | RichTextStream | ID Number 0x8A6 2214 This record specifies additional text properties for the text in the entire chart, text in the current legend, text in the current legend entry, or the text in the attached label. |
 | RightMargin | |
 | RowElement | |
 | Run | |
 | SBaseRef | ID Number 0x1048 4168 This record specifies the location of a PivotTable view referenced by a chart. |
 | Scatter | ID Number 0x101B 4123 This record specifies that the chart group is a scatter chart group or a bubble chart group, and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | ScenarioProtect | |
 | Scl | ID Number OxA0 160 This record specifies the zoom level of the current view in the window used to display the sheet as a fraction given by the following formula: Fraction = nscl / dscl The fraction MUST be greater than or equal to 1/10 and less than or equal to 4. This record MUST exist if the zoom level of the current view is not equal to 1. |
 | SerAr | |
 | SerAuxErrBar | ID Number 0x105B 4187 This record specifies properties of an error bar. |
 | SerAuxTrend | ID Number 0x104B 4171 This record specifies a trendline. |
 | SerBool | |
 | SerErr | |
 | SerFmt | ID Number 0x105D 4189 specify properties of the associated data points, data markers, or lines of the series. |
 | Series | This record specifies properties of the data for a series, a trendline, or error bars. |
 | SeriesCache | |
 | SeriesList | ID Number 0x1016 4118 This record specifies the series for the chart. |
 | SeriesText | ID Number 0x100D 4109 Specify the text for a series, TrendLine name, TrendLine label, Axis Title or Chart title. |
 | SerNil | |
 | SerNum | |
 | SerParent | ID Number 0x104A 4170 This record specifies the series to which the current trendline or error bar corresponds. |
 | SerStr | |
 | SerToCrt | ID Number 0x1045 4165 This record specifies the chart group for the current series. |
 | Setup | This record specifies the page format settings used to print the current sheet. |
 | ShapePropsStream | ID Number 0x8A4 2212 This record specifies the shape formatting properties for chart elements. Page 405 |
 | SheetExt | |
 | SheetExtOptional | |
 | SheetViewSynchronizer | Save and Load Sheetview |
 | ShortXLUnicodeString | |
 | ShtProps | ID Number 0x1044 4164 This record specifies properties of a chart as defined by the Chart Sheet Substream ABNF. |
 | SIIndex | ID Number 0x1065 4197 This record is part of a group of records which specify the data of chart. |
 | StartBlock | This record specifies the beginning of a collection of records. |
 | StartObject | ID Number 0x854 2132 This record specifies beginning of a collection of Future Record Type records as defined by the Chart Sheet SubStream ABNF. |
 | StyleSynchronizer | Save and Load styles |
 | SupBook | Internal use only. Represents a SupBook workbook. |
 | SupBookBiff8Structure | |
 | Surf | ID Number 0x103F 4159 This record specifies that the chart group is a surface chart group and specifies the chart group attributes. |
 | SXViewLink | ID Number 0x858 2136 this record specifies the name of the source PivotTable view associated with a pivot chart. |
 | Text | ID Number 0x1025 4133 This record specifies the properties of an attached label |
 | TextPropsStream | ID Number 0x8A5 2213 This record specifies additional text properties for the text in the entire chart, text in the current legend, text in the current legend entry, text in the attached label, or the axis labels of the current axis. |
 | Tick | ID Number 0x101E 4126 This record specifies the attributes of the axis labels, major tick marks, and minor tick marks associated with an axis. |
 | TopMargin | |
 | TriCoord | A coordinate class made up of sheet, row, column |
 | TriCoordCellData | A coordinate class made up of sheet, row, column |
 | TriCoordCompare | IComparer implementation for TriCoord objects |
 | TXO | |
 | TXO_Continue1 | |
 | TxOLastRun | |
 | TxORuns | |
 | UndefinedBiff8Structure | |
 | Units | This record MUST be zero, and MUST be ignored. |
 | ValueRange | ID Number 0x101F 4127 This record specifies the properties of a value axis. |
 | VCenter | |
 | View3DInfo | Represents View3DInfo class |
 | WebPub | |
 | WebString | |
 | WindowProtect | |
 | WorkbookSynchronizer | Save and Load Workbook. Internal use only. |
 | WorkbookSynchronizer.DocumentCachingInfo | internal only |
 | WriteProtect | 134 |
 | WsBool | |
 | XCT | |
 | XFile | Xml files |
 | XlsxEncryptionHelper | Represents a class to help the procedure of reading and writing encrypted office 12 xlsx files. Internal use only. |
 | XLUnicodeString | This structure specifies a Unicode string. |
 | XLUnicodeStringMin2 | Specify a Unicode string. |
 | XLUnicodeStringNoCch | This structure specifies a Unicode string. When an XLUnicodeStringNoCch is used, the count of characters in the string MUST be specified in the structure that uses the XLUnicodeStringNoCch. |
 | XmlTkBool | |
 | XmlTkChain | A chain of structures that specifies a group of additional properties or property overrides for a given chart element, specified by the xmltkParent field. See meanings of the additional properties or property overrides in each token structure. |
 | XmlTkHeader | |
 | XmlTkOverlay | |
 | XTI | |
 | YMult | ID Number 0x857 2135 This record specifies properties of the value multiplier for a value axis. |
 | ZipHelper | Utility method for files compress and uncompress. Internal use only. |
 | ZipHelper.MemoryFolder | Folders and Files stored in the memory |