Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Excel Assembly / FarPoint.Excel Namespace / IExcelBiffWrite Interface

In This Topic
IExcelBiffWrite Interface Methods
In This Topic

For a list of all members of this type, see IExcelBiffWrite members.

Public Methods
 MethodAdd warning list when export to excel file  
 MethodOverloaded. Gets the axis information for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the bottom margin for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the number of automatic calculations for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the calculation mode for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the cell formula for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the cell information for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets chart from sheet  
 MethodGets the column page breaks for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the conditional formats for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the default row height for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the default column width for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the delta for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the dimensions for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the display elements for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodExcels the get excel shape.  
 MethodGets the external or custom names for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the external sheet information for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the font information for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the footer for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the formats for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the fixed or frozen rows and columns for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the row and column gutter for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets whether the print should be horizontally centered.  
 MethodGets the header for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets shape from image cell type.  
 MethodGets the number of iterations for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the left margin for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the merge cells for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the names for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodExcels the get excel note as text shape.  
 MethodGets the page setup for printing for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the panes for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets whether to print the grid lines for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets whether to print the headers for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the titles for printing for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the protection setting for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the cell reference style for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the right margin for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the row and column grid line color for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the row page breaks for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the scroll bars for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the selection list for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the number of sheet for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the sheet information for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the Sheet Tab Color  
 MethodGets the tabs for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the top and left (near) location for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the top margin for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets validation data from specified sheet.  
 MethodGets whether the print should be vertically centered.  
 MethodGets the window for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodGets the zoom (scaling factor) for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodDetermine if there are external or custom names for exporting to Excel BIFF file.  
 MethodDetermine if the value for exporting to Excel BIFF file is a calculation error; if it is, get the error string.  
 MethodFinish - called after the Excel BIFF file has completed saving.  
See Also