| Name | Description |
 | ExcelAddSheet | BUNDLESHEET - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelBof | Beginning of file; notifies the implementation that the workbook load is beginning or we are loading a new sheet. This is needed to clear the shared formula list for each sheet. |
 | ExcelGetCommentObjId | OBJ |
 | ExcelGetFontInfo | Gets the font information for importing from Excel BIFF file. Called to determine if Spread Web or Spread Win build. Spread Web stores the default font name in the resources. |
 | ExcelGetSharedFormula | Called from BiffRead to query the Shared Formula list maintained in the implementation of this interface |
 | ExcelSet1904 | 1904 - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetArrayFormula | ARRAY - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetBottomMargin | BOTTOMMARGIN - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetCalcCount | CALCCOUNT - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetCalcMode | CALCMODE - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetCellFormat | FORMAT - Sets the cell format. - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetCellFormula | Overloaded. FORMULA - Excel Biff Record Sets the formula for the specified location and options. |
 | ExcelSetCellNote | CELL NOTE - Excel Biff Record Sets the cell note for the specified location and options. |
 | ExcelSetCellValue | LABEL, LABELSST, NUMBER, RK - Excel Biff Records |
 | ExcelSetColInfo | COLINFO - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetColumnPageBreaks | VERTICALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetCommentObjId | OBJ |
 | ExcelSetConditionalFormat | CONDFMT, CF - Excel Biff Records |
 | ExcelSetCustomNames | NAME - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetDefaultRowHeight | DEFAULTROWHEIGHT - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetDefColWidth | DEFCOLWIDTH - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetDelta | DELTA - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetDimensions | DIMENSIONS - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetDisplayElements | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (element display values) |
 | ExcelSetDrawingObjetsVisible | if set hide all in Excel, hide all shapes and charts. |
 | ExcelSetExternName | ExcelSetExternName |
 | ExcelSetExternSheet | ExcelSetExternSheet |
 | ExcelSetExternSheet2 | Overloaded. ExcelSetExternSheet |
 | ExcelSetFilePass | ExcelSetFilePass |
 | ExcelSetFooter | FOOTER - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetHCenter | ExcelSetHCenter |
 | ExcelSetHeader | HEADER - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetIteration | ExcelSetIteration |
 | ExcelSetLeftMargin | ExcelSetLeftMargin - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetMergeCells | MERGECELLS - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetPageSetup | ExcelSetPageSetup - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetPane | PANE - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetPassword | PASSWORD - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetPrintArea | Print_Area - Excel Built-In Custom Name |
 | ExcelSetPrintGridlines | ExcelSetPrintGridlines |
 | ExcelSetPrintHeaders | ExcelSetPrintHeaders |
 | ExcelSetPrintTitles | Print_Titles - Excel Built-In Custom Name |
 | ExcelSetProtect | PROTECT - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetRefMode | REFMODE - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetRightMargin | ExcelSetRightMargin - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetRowColGridColor | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (row and column headers, and grid color value) |
 | ExcelSetRowColumnHeaders | ExcelSetRowColumnHeaders |
 | ExcelSetRowInfo | ExcelSetRowInfo - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetRowPageBreaks | HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetSaveExtLinks | BOOKBOOL - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetScroll | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (scrollbar-specific values) |
 | ExcelSetSelection | ExcelSetSelection - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetShapeList | Sets the Excel shape list. |
 | ExcelSetSharedFormula | SHRFMLA - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetSheetTabColor | Sets the Sheet Tab Color |
 | ExcelSetSupbook | SUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetSupbook2 | SUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetTabs | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (tab-specific values) |
 | ExcelSetTopLeft | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (toprow, left column values) |
 | ExcelSetTopMargin | ExcelSetTopMargin - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetValidationData | Sets the validation data for a range of cells in the specified sheet. |
 | ExcelSetVCenter | ExcelSetVCenter - Excel Biff Record |
 | ExcelSetWindow | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (window-specific values) |
 | ExcelSetXF | ExcelSetXF - Excel Biff |
 | ExcelSetZoom | SCL - Excel Biff Record (Zoom) |
 | Finish | Finish - called after the Excel BIFF file has completed loading. |
 | SetDataSource | Set the sheet data model |