| Name | Description |
 | ExcelAddSheet | BUNDLESHEET - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelBof | Beginning of file; notifies the implementation that the workbook load is beginning or we are loading a new sheet. This is needed to clear the shared formula list for each sheet. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelGetCommentObjId | OBJ (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelGetFontInfo | Gets the font information for importing from Excel BIFF file. Called to determine if Spread Web or Spread Win build. Spread Web stores the default font name in the resources. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelGetSharedFormula | Gets out An ArrayList that contains 2 parts of a shared formula |
 | ExcelSet1904 | 1904 - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetArrayFormula | ARRAY - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetBottomMargin | BOTTOMMARGIN - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCalcCount | CALCCOUNT - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCalcMode | CALCMODE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCellFormat | FORMAT - Sets the cell format. - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCellFormula | FORMULA - Excel Biff Record Sets the formula for the specified location and options. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCellNote | CELL NOTE - Excel Biff Record Sets the cell note for the specified location and options. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCellValue | LABEL, LABELSST, NUMBER, RK - Excel Biff Records (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetColInfo | COLINFO - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetColumnPageBreaks | VERTICALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCommentObjId | OBJ (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetConditionalFormat | CONDFMT, CF - Excel Biff Records (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetCustomNames | NAME - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDefaultRowHeight | DEFAULTROWHEIGHT - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDefColWidth | DEFCOLWIDTH - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDelta | DELTA - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDimensions | DIMENSIONS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDisplayElements | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (element display values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetDrawingObjetsVisible | if set hide all in Excel, hide all shapes and charts. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetExternName | ExcelSetExternName (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetExternSheet | ExcelSetExternSheet (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetExternSheet2 | ExcelSetExternSheet (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetFilePass | ExcelSetFilePass (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetFooter | FOOTER - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetHCenter | ExcelSetHCenter (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetHeader | HEADER - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetIteration | ExcelSetIteration (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetLeftMargin | ExcelSetLeftMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetMergeCells | MERGECELLS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPageSetup | ExcelSetPageSetup - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPane | PANE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPassword | PASSWORD - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPrintArea | Print_Area - Excel Built-In Custom Name (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPrintGridlines | ExcelSetPrintGridlines (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPrintHeaders | ExcelSetPrintHeaders (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetPrintTitles | Print_Titles - Excel Built-In Custom Name (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetProtect | PROTECT - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRefMode | REFMODE - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRightMargin | ExcelSetRightMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRowColGridColor | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (row and column headers, and grid color value) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRowColumnHeaders | ExcelSetRowColumnHeaders (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRowInfo | ExcelSetRowInfo - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetRowPageBreaks | HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSaveExtLinks | BOOKBOOL - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetScroll | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (scrollbar-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSelection | ExcelSetSelection - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetShapeList | Sets the Excel shape list. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSharedFormula | SHRFMLA - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSheetTabColor | Sets the Sheet Tab Color (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSupbook | SUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetSupbook2 | SUPBOOK - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetTabs | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (tab-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetTopLeft | WINDOW2 - Excel Biff Record (toprow, left column values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetTopMargin | ExcelSetTopMargin - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetValidationData | Sets the validation data for a range of cells in the specified sheet. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetVCenter | ExcelSetVCenter - Excel Biff Record (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetWindow | WINDOW1 - Excel Biff Record (window-specific values) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetXF | ExcelSetXF - Excel Biff (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | ExcelSetZoom | SCL - Excel Biff Record (Zoom) (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | Finish | Finish - called after the Excel BIFF file has completed loading. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |
 | SetDataSource | Set the sheet data model (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.IExcelBiffRead) |