| Name | Description |
 | Anchor | Gets or sets the anchor. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | AutoPict | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [auto pict]. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | BelongInChartSheet | Gets or sets whether it belongs to chart sheet. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | BlipId | Gets or sets the blip id. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Bottom | Gets or sets the bottom. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Bottom_New | Gets or sets the bottom_ new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | BottomInPixel | Gets or sets the bottom in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | BottomOffset | Gets or sets the bottom offset. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Column | Gets or sets note column. |
 | ColumnHidden | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [column hidden]. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ConvertedFromImageCellType | (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillAngle | Gets or sets the fill angle. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillBackColor | Gets or sets the color of the fill back. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillBackOpacity | Gets or sets the fill back opacity. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillColor | Gets or sets the color of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillFocus | Gets or sets the fill focus. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillOpacity | Gets or sets the fill opacity. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillToBottom | Gets or sets the bottom position of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillToLeft | Gets or sets the left position of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillToRight | Gets or sets the right position of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillToTop | Gets or sets the top position of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FillType | Gets or sets the type of the fill. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FlippedHorizontal | Gets or sets a value indicating whether shape is flipped horizontal. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FlippedVertical | Gets or sets a value indicating whether shape is flipped vertical. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Font | Gets or sets the font. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ForeColor | Gets or sets the color of the fore. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | FormulaData | Array of bytes that contains a formula in ptgs (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoBottom | Gets or sets the geo bottom of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoLeft | Gets or sets the geoLeft of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoRight | Gets or sets the geo right of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoText | Gets or sets the geo text. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoTextFBold | Gets or sets the geo text font bold style. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoTextFItalic | Gets or sets the geo text font italic style. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoTextFont | Gets or sets the geo text font. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoTextSize | Gets or sets the size of the geo text. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GeoTop | Gets or sets the geo top of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GPoints | Gets or sets the geo points of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | GraphicsSegmentInfo | Gets or sets the graphics segment info. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Height | Gets the height. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Height_New | Gets the height_ new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | HeightInPixel | Gets the height in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Id | Gets or sets the id. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Image | Gets or sets the image. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ImageCellTypeColumn | (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ImageCellTypeRow | (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ImageCellTypeSheetIndex | (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ImageData | Gets or sets the image data. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | IsChartShape | Gets or sets whether it is a chart shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | IsGroup | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is group. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | IsLinePropertiesSet | Gets whether the line properties is set. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | IsPixelState | Specify the state position of the shape (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Left | Gets or sets the left. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Left_New | Gets or sets the left_new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | LeftInPixel | Gets or sets the left in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | LeftOffset | Gets or sets the left offset. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | LineColor | Gets or sets the color of the line. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | LineWidthEMU | Gets or sets the line in EMU unit. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Locked | Gets or sets whether the chart is locked (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Name | Gets or sets the name of this shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Parent | Gets or sets the parent. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Path | Gets or sets the geo path of the shape. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | PrintObject | Gets or sets whether the shape is printed. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Right | Gets or sets the right. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Right_New | Gets or sets the right_ new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | RightInPixel | Gets or sets the right in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | RightOffset | Gets or sets the right offset. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | RotateAngle | Gets or sets the rotate angle. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Row | Gets or sets note row. |
 | RowHidden | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [row hidden]. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowColor | Gets or sets the color of the shadow. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowOffSetX | Gets or sets the shadow off set X. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowOffSetY | Gets or sets the shadow off set Y. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowOn | Gets or sets a value indicating whether [shadow on]. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowOpacity | Gets or sets the shadow opacity. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | ShadowType | Gets or sets the type of the shadow. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Show | Gets or sets note show or not. |
 | SpId | (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | SpreadEndCap | Gets or sets the spread end cap. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | SpreadLineDashing | Gets or sets the spread line dashing. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | SpreadLineWeight | Gets or sets the spread line weight. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | SpreadStartCap | Gets or sets the spread start cap. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Text | Gets or sets the text. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | TextHorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the text horizontal alignment. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | TextRotation | Gets or sets the text rotation. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | TextVerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the text vertical alignment. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Top | Gets or sets the top. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Top_New | Gets or sets the top_ new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | TopInPixel | Gets or sets the top in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | TopOffset | Gets or sets the top offset. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Type | Gets or sets the type. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Visibility | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ExcelShape is visibility. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Width | Gets the width. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | Width_New | Gets the width_ new. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |
 | WidthInPixel | Gets the width in pixel. (Inherited from FarPoint.Excel.ExcelShape) |