| Name | Description |
 | ActiveHolidayStyles | Gets or sets active holiday styles of the drop-down calendar. |
 | AllowSelection | Gets or sets the type of dates that can be selected. |
 | BackColor | Gets or sets the background color of the drop-down calendar. |
 | BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image displayed in the drop-down calendar. |
 | BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets the layout of the background image of the drop-down calendar. |
 | BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style of the drop-down calendar. |
 | CalendarDimensions | Gets or sets the dimensions of the drop-down calendar. |
 | CalendarMargins | Gets or sets the margins of the drop-down calendar. |
 | CalendarType | Gets or sets the type of the drop-down calendar. |
 | CalendarYear | Gets or sets whether to display the calendar in the form of a fiscal year. |
 | ControlStyle | Gets or sets style of the drop-down calendar. |
 | EmptyRows | Gets or sets how the calendar should be drawn when empty week rows appear. |
 | EnableScrollAnimation | Gets or sets whether or not the animation will be performed when scroll or zoom on the drop-down calendar. |
 | EnableTouchZoom | Gets or sets if Touch Zoom is enabled. |
 | FirstDayOfWeek | Gets or sets which weekday to display first in the drop-down calendar. |
 | FirstFiscalMonth | Gets or sets the first fiscal month of the year. |
 | FirstMonthInView | Gets or sets the first month in the view in the drop-down calendar. |
 | FlatStyle | Gets or sets the appearance of the drop-down calendar. |
 | FocusRectangle | Gets or sets style of the focus rectangle. |
 | Font | Gets or sets the font of the drop-down calendar. |
 | HeaderFormat | Gets or sets the format string of the header. |
 | HeaderHeight | Gets or sets the height of the header. |
 | HeaderStyle | Gets or sets the header style. |
 | HolidayStyles | Gets or sets holiday styles. |
 | InnerMargins | Gets or sets the inner margins of the drop-down calendar. |
 | InnerSpace | Gets or sets the inner space of the drop-down calendar. |
 | ItemStyle | Gets or sets the style of each item. |
 | LegendStyle | Gets or sets the style of the today legend area. |
 | Lines | Gets or sets the lines setting. |
 | MaxDate | Gets or sets the maximum limit of the date. |
 | MinDate | Gets or sets the minimum limit of the date. |
 | NavigateOnWheel | Gets or sets a value indicating whether user can navigate by mouse wheel. |
 | NavigatorOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the navigator. |
 | OverrideTipText | Gets or sets the tip text shown on an overridden holiday. |
 | ScrollRate | Gets or sets the rate of scrolling. |
 | ScrollTipAlign | Gets or sets the scroll tip alignment. |
 | SelectionStyle | Gets or sets the selected date style. |
 | ShowHeader | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the header. |
 | ShowNavigator | Gets or sets a value that indicates how to show the navigator. |
 | ShowScrollTip | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the scroll tip. |
 | ShowToday | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the today legend. |
 | ShowTodayMark | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the today mark. |
 | ShowTrailing | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show trailing dates. |
 | ShowWeekNumber | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the week number. |
 | ShowZoomButton | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show the zoom button on the navigate bar. |
 | SingleBorderColor | Gets or sets the color for a single line border. |
 | TipInterval | Gets or sets the interval before showing holiday tooltips when the mouse hovers over an item. |
 | TitleStyle | Gets or sets the style of the weekday title. |
 | TodayImage | Gets or sets the image that is used for today. |
 | TodayMarkColor | Gets or sets the border color shown for today. |
 | TrailingStyle | Gets or sets the trailing dates style. |
 | UseControlStyle | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the control style. |
 | UseHeaderFormat | Gets or sets whether to use the HeaderFormat property to show the header text. |
 | Weekdays | Gets or sets the settings of the weekdays. |
 | WeekNumberStyle | Gets or sets the week number style. |
 | YearMonthFormat | Gets or sets the header format of the year or month view. |