| Class | Description |
| AlternateText | Represents an alternate text setting. |
| AlternateTextInfo | Represents alternate text settings. |
| AutoComplete | Defines the AutoComplete settings. |
| AutoCompleteHighlightStyle | Defines the highlight style for automatic complete matched strings. |
| AutoCompleteHighlightStyleInfo | Defines the highlight style for matched strings when using automatic complete. |
| AutoCompleteInfo | Defines the automatic complete settings. |
| AutoFilter | Indicates related setting of filter. |
| AutoFilterInfo | Indicates related setting of filter. |
| BaseKeyCollection | Represents a base collection of key-and-value pairs. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ButtonTextCollection | Represents the button text collection. |
| ButtonTextCollectionInfo | Represents the collection for Side buttons. |
| CalculatorButtonMappingCollection | Represents the collection class to manage "ButtonMapping" settings. |
| CalculatorButtonStyle | Represents the style of the button that used in the GcCalculator. |
| CalculatorButtonStyleInfo | Represents the style of the button that used in the DropDownCalculatorInfo. |
| CharBox | Represents the CharBox settings. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| CharBoxBorder | Represents the border of the char box. |
| CharBoxBorderInfo | Represents the border of the char box. |
| CharBoxCollection | Defines a collection that indicates a set of char boxes. |
| CharBoxInfo | Represents the CharBoxInfo settings. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| CharBoxInfoCollection | Defines a collection that indicates a set of char boxes. |
| ClickDateEventArgs | Provides the data for the DropDownCalendar.ClickDate event. |
| CollectionBase<T> | Represents a CollectionBase class, which is a base class. |
| ComboBoxAlternateText | Defines a ComboBoxAlternateText class. |
| ComboBoxAlternateTextInfo | Defines a ComboBoxAlternateTextInfo class. |
| ComboDropDown | Represents settings for GcComboBox.DropDown function. |
| ComboDropDownInfo | Represents the drop-down settings for the drop-down function for GcComboBoxCellType. |
| DateAlternateText | Defines a DateAlternateText class. |
| DateAlternateTextInfo | Defines the DateAlternateTextInfo class. |
| DateDisplayFieldInfosBuilder | Represents a builder that creates the formats specified by the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.DateDisplayFieldInfo class. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| DateFieldInfosBuilder | Represents a builder that creates the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.DateFieldInfo object using the specified format. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| DateSpin | Represents the date spin function settings. |
| DateTimeDisplayFieldCollectionInfo | Represents the display field collection for GcDateTimeCellType. |
| DateTimeDropDown | Represents the drop down settings for the drop down function for GcDateTime. |
| DateTimeDropDownInfo | Represents the drop-down settings for the drop-down function for GcDateTimeCellType. |
| DateTimeDropDownPicker | Represents the drop down picker for date and time values. |
| DateTimeDropDownPickerInfo | Represents the drop-down picker for date and time values. |
| DateTimeFieldCollectionInfo | Represents a collection for the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.DateFieldInfo object, which is read-only. |
| DayOfWeekHoliday | Represents the yearly holidays set by the day of the week rules. |
| DayOfWeekStyle | Represents a DayOfWeekStyle class. |
| DefaultListColumn | Represents the DefaultListColumn class to define the default value of the ListColumn. |
| DefaultListColumnInfo | Represents the DefaultListColumnInfo class to define the default value of the ListColumnInfo. |
| DefaultSubItem | Represents a DefaultSubItem class to define default value for the SubItem. |
| DefaultSubItemInfo | Represents a DefaultSubItemInfo class used to define default values for the SubItemInfo class. |
| DesignerGcCharMaskCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcComboBoxCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcDateTimeCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcMaskCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcNumberCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcTextCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DesignerGcTimeSpanCellSettings | Only used by the designer. |
| DropDown | Represents settings for the DropDown function. |
| DropDownButton | Represents the settings of the DropDownButton class. This class cannot be inherited. |
| DropDownButtonInfo | Represents the settings of the DropDownButton. |
| DropDownCalculator | Represents settings for DropDownCalculator. |
| DropDownCalculatorInfo | Represents information about the drop-down calendar. |
| DropDownCalendar | Represents the settings for the drop-down calendar. |
| DropDownCalendarInfo | Represents the data package for the drop-down calendar. |
| DropDownClosingEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for the DropDownClosing event. |
| DropDownEditor | Represents the DropDownEditor settings. |
| DropDownEditorInfo | Represents the DropDownEditor information. |
| DropDownInfo | Represents settings for the DropDown function. |
| DropDownOpeningEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for the DropDownOpening event. |
| DropDownPicker | Represents the dropdown picker. |
| DropDownPickerInfo | Represents the drop-down picker. |
| EditBase | Represents the base class for the text editing control. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| EditStatusChangedEventArgs | Represents data for the EditStatusChanged event. |
| FieldEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for the Field notification. |
| FieldPaintEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for the FieldsEditorControl.FieldPaint event on the FieldsEditorControl. |
| FieldsEditorControl | Represents the base class for the formatted text editors. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| FieldsEditorControlCellType | Represents the base class for the formatted text editors. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| FlatButtonAppearance | Represents the FlatButtonAppearance class. This class cannot be inherited. |
| ForceDayOfWeekHoliday | Represents the forced holidays of a specific year, which are set by the day of week rules. |
| ForceDayOfWeekWorkday | Represents the forced workdays of a specific year, which is set by the day of week rules. |
| ForceHoliday | An implementation of the forced holidays which are based on the exact specified dates and are not yearly. |
| ForceWorkday | An implementation of the forced workdays which are based on the exact specified dates and are not yearly. |
| GcCharMask | Represents a GcCharMask control. |
| GcCharMaskCellType | Represents a GcCharMaskCellType class. |
| GcCharMaskEditingControl | The editing control for GcCharMaskCellType. |
| GcComboBox | Represents the GcComboBox class |
| GcComboBoxCellType | Represents a GcComboBoxCellType class. |
| GcComboBoxEditingControl | The editing control for GcComboBoxCellType. |
| GcDateTime | Represents a GcDateTime control. |
| GcDateTimeCellType | Represents a GcDateTimeCellType class. |
| GcDateTimeEditingControl | The editing control for GcDateTimeCellType. |
| GcMask | Represents a GcMask control |
| GcMaskCellType | Represents a GcMaskCellType class. |
| GcMaskEditingControl | The editing control for GcMaskCellType. |
| GcNumber | Represents a GcNumber control |
| GcNumberCellType | Represents a GcNumberCellType class. |
| GcNumberEditingControl | The editing control for GcNumberCellType. |
| GcTextBox | Represents a text box control. |
| GcTextBoxCellType | Represents a GcTextBoxCellType class. |
| GcTextBoxEditingControl | The editing control for GcTextBoxCellType. |
| GcTimeSpan | Represents a GcTimeSpan control class. |
| GcTimeSpanCellType | Represents a GcTimeSpanCellType class. |
| GcTimeSpanEditingControl | The editing control for GcTimeSpanCellType. |
| GradientEffect | Represents a class to define the gradient effect. |
| Grid | Represents grid settings in the DropdownCalendar class. |
| Holiday | An implementation of the yearly holidays - which means holidays defined here will appear yearly regardless of the year. |
| HolidayBase | Represents a base class implementation of the holiday interface. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| HolidayCollection | Represents a collection of instances of the Holiday, ForceHoliday, and ForceWorkday classes supported by the holiday collection manager. |
| HolidayStyle | Represents holiday styles. |
| HolidayStyleCollection | Represents a collection of HolidayStyleCollection objects. |
| InputBoxInfo | Defines a char box that accepts the user's input. |
| InputManCellTypeBase | Represents the base class for the input man cells. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ItemStyle | Represents a ItemStyle class to define style settings. |
| ItemStyleInfo | Represents a ItemStyleInfo class to define style settings. |
| ItemTemplate | Represents a ItemTemplate class to define template for items. |
| ItemTemplateCollection | Represents a ItemTemplateCollection class to store ItemTemplate. |
| ItemTemplateCollectionInfo | Represents a ItemTemplateCollectionInfo class to store ItemTemplateInfo. |
| ItemTemplateInfo | Represents an ItemTemplateInfo class that defines a template for the items. |
| KeyExitEventArgs | Provides the data for an event. |
| Line | Represents a Line class that defines the appearance setting. |
| ListColumn | Represents a ListColumn class to define colunm object. |
| ListColumnCollection | Represents a ListColumnCollection class to store ListColumn object. |
| ListColumnCollectionInfo | Represents a ListColumnCollectionInfo class to store ListColumnInfo object. |
| ListColumnInfo | Represents a ListColumnInfo class to define column objects. |
| ListGridLines | Represents a ListGridLines class to define list grid lines. |
| ListGridLinesInfo | Represents a ListGridLinesInfo class that defines list grid lines. |
| ListHeader | Represents a ListHeader class to define header settings. |
| ListHeaderInfo | Represents a ListHeaderInfo class that defines header settings. |
| ListHeaderPane | Represents a ListHeaderPane class to define header pane setting. |
| ListHeaderPaneInfo | Represents a ListHeaderPaneInfo class used to define header pane settings. |
| ListItem | Represents a ListItem class to default settings of item. |
| ListItemCollection | Represents a ListItemCollection class to store ListItem. |
| ListItemCollectionInfo | Represents a ListItemCollectionInfo class used to store ListItemInfo objects. |
| ListItemInfo | Represents a ListItemInfo class used to specify the default item settings. |
| LiteralBoxInfo | Defines a kind of char box that is read-only box and just accepts the user's selection. |
| MaskAlternateText | Defines a MaskAlternateText class. |
| MaskAlternateTextInfo | Defines a MaskAlternateTextInfo class. |
| MaskFieldCollectionInfo | Represents a collection for the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.MaskFieldInfo object, which is read-only. |
| MaskFieldInfosBuilder | Represents a builder that creates the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.MaskFieldInfo object using the specified format. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| MatchedComboItemCollection | Represents the MatchedComboItemCollection class. |
| MatchedListItemCollection | Defines MatchedListItemCollection class. |
| MatchedListItemCollectionInfo | Defines the MatchedListItemCollectionInfo class. |
| NamedObjectCollection<T> | Represents the strongly typed collection of INamedObject objects. Provides methods and properties to search and access items using the INamedObject.Name property of the INamedObject object. |
| NotifyCollection | Extends the System.Collections.CollectionBase class which notifies when items are being added or removed from the collection. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| NumberAlternateText | Defines a NumberAlternateText class. |
| NumberAlternateTextInfo | Defines the NumberAlternateTextInfo class. |
| NumberDisplayFieldCollectionInfo | Represents the display field collection for GcNumberCellType. |
| NumberDisplayFieldInfosBuilder | Represents a builder to build the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.NumberDisplayFieldInfo object using a format. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
| NumberFieldsInfo | Represents a collection for the NumberFieldsInfo object, which is read-only. This class cannot be inherited. |
| NumberSpin | Represents the number spin functions settings. |
| PopUpCalculator | Represents a PopUpCalculator class. |
| PopUpCalculatorInfo | Represents information for the drop-down calendar. |
| PopUpClosingEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for PopUpClosing event. |
| PopUpOpeningEventArgs | Represents the System.EventArgs for PopUpOpening event. |
| ScrolledEventArgs | Provides the System.EventArgs data for the event. |
| SeparatorBoxInfo | Defines a kind of char box that display some patterns as a special separator and does not accepts the input and selection. |
| ShortcutDictionary | Represents a Keys/String pair collection. |
| ShortcutDictionaryEntry | Represents one Keys/String pair. |
| SideButton | Represents the normal side button with image and text. This class cannot be inherited. |
| SideButtonBase | Represents the base class of side buttons. |
| SideButtonBaseInfo | Represents the base class of side buttons. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| SideButtonCollection | Represents the collection for Side buttons. |
| SideButtonCollectionInfo | Represents the collection for Side buttons. |
| SideButtonInfo | Represents the normal side button with image and text. |
| Spin | Represents the spin function settings. |
| SpinButton | Represents the SpinButton class. This class cannot be inherited. |
| SpinButtonInfo | Represents the SpinButton class. |
| StatusBar | Represents a StatusBar class to define status bar settings . |
| StatusBarInfo | Represents a StatusBarInfo class used to define status bar settings. |
| Style | Represents a Style class. |
| StyleCollection | Represents a collection of Style objects. |
| SubItem | Represents a SubItem class. |
| SubItemCollection | Defines the SubItemCollection class. |
| SubItemCollectionInfo | Defines the SubItemCollectionInfo class. |
| SubItemInfo | Represents a SubItemInfo class. |
| SubStyle | Represents a SubStyle class that indicates attributes such as bold, underline, and the color of the text. |
| SubStyleCollection | Represents a collection of SubStyle objects. |
| SymbolButton | Represents the symbol button class. This class cannot be inherited. |
| SymbolButtonInfo | Represents the symbol button class. |
| TextBoxAlternateText | Defines a TextBoxAlternateText class. |
| TextBoxAlternateTextInfo | Defines a TextBoxAlternateText class. |
| TextChangingEventArgs | Provides data for the TextChanging event. |
| TimeSpanAlternateText | Defines a TimeSpanAlternateText class. |
| TimeSpanAlternateTextInfo | Defines the TimeSpanAlternateTextInfo class. |
| TimeSpanDisplayFieldCollectionInfo | Represents the display field collection for GcDateTimeCellType. |
| TimeSpanFieldCollectionInfo | Represents a collection for the GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType.Fields.TimeSpanFieldInfo object, which is read-only. |
| TouchToolBar | Represents the TouchToolBar which will be shown by touch operation. |
| TouchToolBarButton | Represents a System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton for touch device. |
| Weekdays | Represents the holiday policy for each individual weekday. |
| WeekdaysStyle | Declares the style of the weekdays. |
| YearMonthFormat | Represents the format for the year and month in the YearMonth calendar. |