Spread WinForms 15
GrapeCity.Win.PluginInputMan Assembly / GrapeCity.Win.Spread.InputMan.CellType Namespace / ExitKeys Enumeration

ExitKeys Enumeration
Specifies which keys cause the control to lose focus.
Public Enum ExitKeys 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ExitKeys
CharInputIndicates the last character finishes the input.
CtrlLeftIndicates the Ctrl + Left arrow.
CtrlRightIndicates the Ctrl + Right arrow.
LeftIndicates the left arrow key.
NextControlIndicates the shortcut key(s) set to GcShortcut.NextControl KeyAction.
PreviousControlIndicates the shortcut key(s) set to GcShortcut.PreviousControl KeyAction.
RightIndicates the right arrow key.
ShiftTabIndicates the Shift + Tab key.
TabIndicates the Tab key.
The enumeration variable indicates which key, composite key, or shortcut key causes focus to be lost.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also