- g
- Graphics device interface for painting the header cell
- r
- Location and size of a rectangular region
- rectTextIn
- Rectangular region for the text
- topColor
- Color at the top of the gradient
- bottomColor
- Color at the bottom of the gradient
- activeTopColor
- Color at the top of the gradient when active
- activeBottomColor
- Color at the bottom of the gradient when active
- mode
- Mode of the linear gradient
- foreColor
- Color of the text
- font
- Font of the text
- halign
- Horizontal alignment of the text
- valign
- Vertical alignment of the text
- pressed
- State of the header being pressed
- text
- Text to display in the header
- textDown
- Text to display in the header when pressed
- nAlign
- Alignment of the text
- textOrientation
- Orientation of the text with respect to the button picture in the header
- wordWrap
- Whether to wrap text to multiple lines
- shadowSize
- Size in pixels of the shadow
- darkColor
- Dark color
- lightColor
- Light color
- pictUp
- Picture to display when the button is not pressed
- pictDown
- Picture to display when the button is pressed
- bLocked
- Whether the button is locked
- prefix
- Letter to underline as a hotkey prefix
- appearance
- Appearance settings of the header cell