Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace / ConditionalFormattingIconSetStyle Enumeration

ConditionalFormattingIconSetStyle Enumeration
Represents the style of the icon set.
Public Enum ConditionalFormattingIconSetStyle 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As ConditionalFormattingIconSetStyle
CustomIndicates a set of custom icons.
FiveBoxesIndicates a set of five box icons.
FiveColoredArrowsIndicates a set of five colored arrow icons.
FiveGrayArrowsIndicates a set of five gray arrow icons.
FiveQuartersIndicates a set of five quarter icons.
FiveRatingsIndicates a set of five rating icons.
FourColoredArrowsIndicates a set of four colored arrow icons.
FourGrayArrowsIndicates a set of four gray arrow icons.
FourRatingsIndicates a set of four rating icons.
FourTrafficLightsIndicates a set of four traffic light icons.
RedToBlackIndicates a set of circle icons from red to black.
ThreeCircledSymbolsIndicates a set of three circled symbol icons.
ThreeColoredArrowsIndicates a set of three colored arrow icons.
ThreeFlagsIndicates a set of three flag icons.
ThreeGrayArrowsIndicates a set of three gray arrow icons.
ThreeRimmedTrafficLightsIndicates a set of three rimmed traffic light icons.
ThreeSignsIndicates a set of three sign icons.
ThreeStarsIndicates a set of three star icons.
ThreeTrianglesIndicates a set of three triangle icons.
ThreeUnCircledSymbolsIndicates a set of three uncircled symbol icons.
ThreeUnrimmedTrafficLightsIndicates a set of three unrimmed traffic light icons.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also