| Name | Description |
 | ActiveCell | Gets a Cell object for the active cell on the sheet. |
 | ActiveColumn | Gets a Column object for the active column on the sheet. |
 | ActiveColumnIndex | Gets or sets the column index of the active cell on the sheet. |
 | ActiveRow | Gets a Row object for the active row on the sheet. |
 | ActiveRowIndex | Gets or sets the row index of the active cell on the sheet. |
 | ActiveSkin | Gets or sets the skin for the sheet. |
 | AllowAutoSortIndexes | |
 | AllowGroup | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to group rows on the sheet. |
 | AllowNoteEdit | Gets or sets whether notes on this sheet are editable. |
 | AllowTableCorner | Gets or sets whether the sheet corner can have a grid structure (table). |
 | AlternatingRows | Gets an AlternatingRows object for the alternating rows in the data area of the sheet. |
 | AutoCalculation | Gets or sets whether the control recalculates each formula when the contents of dependent cells change for a sheet. |
 | AutoFilter | Gets or sets whether the filter will automatically update for any changes. |
 | AutoFilterMode | Gets or sets the AutoFilterMode. |
 | AutoGenerateColumns | Gets or sets whether to automatically generate the columns for a sheet based on the data source. |
 | AutoSortColumns | Gets or sets whether to allow automatic sorting for a sheet and whether to show the sort indicator. |
 | AutoSortEnhancedContextMenu | Gets or sets whether to use the Spread's enhanced filter menu. |
 | AutoSortEnhancedMode | Gets or sets whether to use the Spread's sorting behavior in enhanced filter context menu. |
 | AutoSortFrozenRows | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether frozen rows are sorted. |
 | AutoSortTrailingFrozenRows | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether trailing frozen rows are sorted. |
 | AutoUpdateNotes | Gets or sets whether cell notes are automatically updated when changes are made to the note style or to the text, or notes are added, removed, or moved. |
 | BackgroundImage | Gets or sets sheetview background image. |
 | BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets sheetview background image layout. |
 | Cells | Gets a Cells object for the cells in the data area of the sheet. |
 | Charts | Gets the charts. |
 | ChildRelationCount | Gets the number of child relations (data relation count) for a sheet. |
 | CodeDomDeserializing | Internal use only |
 | ColumnAutoSorted | Gets the index of the last column that was automatically sorted for the sheet. |
 | ColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of columns in the sheet. |
 | ColumnFooter | Gets the ColumnFooter object for the column footer area of the sheet. |
 | ColumnFooterHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line in the column footer for the sheet. |
 | ColumnFooterRowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows in the column footers for the sheet. |
 | ColumnFooterSheetCornerHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the column footer sheet corner. |
 | ColumnFooterSheetCornerStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the sheet corner for the column footer. |
 | ColumnFooterSheetCornerStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner of the column footer. |
 | ColumnFooterSheetCornerVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the column footer sheet corner. |
 | ColumnFooterVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the column footer for the sheet. |
 | ColumnFooterVisible | Gets or sets whether the column footers for this sheet are visible. |
 | ColumnHeader | Gets the ColumnHeader object for the column header area of the sheet. |
 | ColumnHeaderAutoFilterIndex | Gets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the filter indicator when there are multiple column header rows. |
 | ColumnHeaderAutoSortIndex | Gets or sets which column header row in the sheet displays the sort indicator when there are multiple column header rows. |
 | ColumnHeaderAutoText | Gets or sets whether column headers for the sheet display letters or numbers or are blank. |
 | ColumnHeaderAutoTextIndex | Gets or sets which column header row for the sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple column header rows. |
 | ColumnHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet. |
 | ColumnHeaderRowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows in the column headers for the sheet. |
 | ColumnHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the column header for the sheet. |
 | ColumnHeaderVisible | Gets or sets whether the column headers for this sheet are visible. |
 | Columns | Gets a Columns object for the columns in the data area of the sheet. |
 | Container | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | ContainingViews | Gets the containing views. |
 | DataAllowAddNew | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to add a new row when the sheet is bound. |
 | DataAutoCellTypes | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sets the cell type for the cells in a column. |
 | DataAutoHeadings | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically assigns the data field names to be the text in the column headers. |
 | DataAutoSizeColumns | Gets or sets whether a bound sheet automatically sizes its columns based on the data in the associated database fields. |
 | DataMember | Gets or sets the name of the data member that populates the sheet. |
 | DataSource | Gets or sets the name of the data source that populates the sheet. |
 | DefaultGroupFooter | Default setting for group footers. |
 | DefaultStyle | Gets or sets a StyleInfo object for the default style of the sheet. |
 | DefaultStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the default style for the sheet. |
 | DisplayZero | Gets or sets whether zero values are displayed in cells. |
 | DrawingContainer | Gets or sets a drawing container for the sheet for a drawing object in the drawing space. |
 | EnableDiagonalLine | Sets or gets whether cell diagonal line is enable. |
 | EnhancedFilterSortingMode | Gets or sets whether the enhanced filter shows items in the tree by default or alphabetic order. |
 | Expandable | Gets or sets whether the rows are expandable. |
 | FilterBar | Gets the FilterBar object of the sheet. |
 | FilterBarHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar header. |
 | FilterBarHeaderStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the filter bar header. |
 | FilterBarHeaderStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the filter bar header. |
 | FilterBarHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar. |
 | FilterBarHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the filter bar. |
 | FilterBarVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the filter bar. |
 | FpSpread | Gets Fpspread from sheet view. |
 | FrozenColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the leading edge of this sheet. |
 | FrozenRowCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the leading edge of this sheet. |
 | FrozenTrailingColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling columns on the trailing edge of this sheet. |
 | FrozenTrailingRowCount | Gets or sets the number of non-scrolling rows on the trailing edge of this sheet. |
 | FrozenTrailingStickToEdge | Gets or sets whether the frozen trailing row(s) or column(s) stick to the edge of viewport area. |
 | GrayAreaBackColor | Gets or sets the color in the area between the sheet and the edge of the control. |
 | GroupBarBackColor | Obsolete. Use GroupBarInfo.BackColor instead. Gets or sets the background color for the grouping bar of the sheet. |
 | GroupBarHeight | Obsolete. Use GroupBarInfo.Height instead. Gets or sets the height of the grouping bar for the sheet. |
 | GroupBarInfo | Gets or sets the information of the grouping bar for the sheet. |
 | GroupBarVisible | Obsolete. Use GroupBarInfo.Visible instead. Gets or sets whether the grouping bar for the sheet is displayed. |
 | GroupFooterVisible | Gets or sets whether the group footer is displayed. |
 | GroupInfos | Gets or sets the collection of grouping information objects for the sheet. |
 | GroupingPolicy | Gets or sets grouping policy to collapse or expand rows when grouping occurs. |
 | GroupMaximumLevel | Gets or sets the maximum number of levels of grouping for the sheet. |
 | GroupVerticalIndent | Obsolete. Use GroupBarInfo.GroupVerticalIndent instead. Gets or sets the separation of grouping levels for the sheet. |
 | HorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for this sheet. |
 | IgnoreRemoveChartFromSheetView | |
 | IsBlockSelected | Gets whether a block of cells on this sheet is currently selected. |
 | Iteration | Gets or sets whether circular references are evaluated on this sheet. |
 | LockBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of locked cells on this sheet. |
 | LockFont | Gets or sets the default font for locked items on this sheet. |
 | LockForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of locked cells on this sheet. |
 | MaximumChange | Gets or sets the maximum amount of change below which iterations stop when circular references are evaluated on this sheet. |
 | MaximumIterations | Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations for calculating circular references on this sheet. |
 | MinZoomFactor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the minimum zoom factor for this sheet. |
 | Models | Gets or sets a SheetView.DocumentModels object that contains all the models for the sheet. |
 | NamedStyles | Gets or sets a NamedStyleCollection of NamedStyle objects for this sheet. |
 | NonEmptyColumnCount | Gets a value that is one more than the index of the last column on this sheet containing data. |
 | NonEmptyRowCount | Gets a value that is one more than the index of the last row on this sheet containing data. |
 | NotesContainer | Internal use only. Gets or sets the drawing container for cell notes in the drawing space. |
 | NullBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of null items on this sheet. |
 | NullFont | Gets or sets the default font for null items on this sheet. |
 | NullForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of null items on this sheet. |
 | OperationMode | Gets or sets the mode that determines mouse, keyboard, and selection behavior for this sheet. |
 | Parent | Gets or sets the name of the parent sheet (SheetView object) of this sheet. |
 | ParentRelationName | Gets the data relation name for this sheet. |
 | ParentRowIndex | Gets the index of the parent row on this sheet. |
 | PreviewRowInfo | Gets or sets preview row information for the sheet. |
 | PrintInfo | Gets or sets a PrintInfo object that determines printing behavior for the sheet. |
 | PropertyCodeDomSetInt | Internal use only |
 | Protect | Gets or sets whether cells on this sheet that are marked as locked are not editable. |
 | RangeGroupBackgroundColor | Gets or sets the background color of the outline (range group) region. |
 | RangeGroupButtonStyle | Gets or sets the style of the outline (range group) button. |
 | RangeGroupSummaryColumnRight | Gets or sets whether the direction of the summary column is to the right of the detail. |
 | RangeGroupSummaryRowBelow | Gets or sets whether the direction of the summary row is below the detail. |
 | ReferenceStyle | Gets or sets the style for cell and range references in formulas in cells on this sheet. |
 | Rename | |
 | RestrictColumns | Gets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a column on this sheet that is more than one column beyond the last column that contains data. |
 | RestrictRows | Gets or sets whether users are restricted from typing data in a row on this sheet that is more than one row beyond the last row that contains data. |
 | RowCount | Gets or sets the number of rows on this sheet. |
 | RowFilter | Gets or sets the row filter for the sheet. |
 | RowHeader | Gets the RowHeader object for the row header area of the sheet. |
 | RowHeaderAutoText | Gets or sets whether row headers on this sheet display letters or numbers or are blank. |
 | RowHeaderAutoTextIndex | Gets or sets which row header column on this sheet displays the automatic text when there are multiple row header columns. |
 | RowHeaderColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of columns in the row header on this sheet. |
 | RowHeaderHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line in the row header on this sheet. |
 | RowHeaderSelectorIndex | Gets or sets which row header column in the sheet displays the row selector when there are multiple row header columns. |
 | RowHeaderVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line in the row header on this sheet. |
 | RowHeaderVisible | Gets or sets whether the row headers for this sheet are visible. |
 | Rows | Gets a Rows object for the rows in the data area of the sheet. |
 | SaveNamedStyles | Internal use only. |
 | ScrollingContentInfo | Gets or sets the information of the vertical scrolling tip for the sheet. |
 | SelectionBackColor | Gets or sets the background color of selections on this sheet. |
 | SelectionCount | Gets the number of selections on this sheet. |
 | SelectionFont | Gets or sets the default font for selected items on this sheet. |
 | SelectionForeColor | Gets or sets the foreground color of selections on this sheet. |
 | SelectionPolicy | Gets the selection policy for the sheet for normal operation mode. |
 | SelectionStyle | Gets or sets how selections on this sheet are drawn. |
 | SelectionUnit | Gets or sets the smallest unit users or the application can select on this sheet. |
 | SerializeModels | Gets or sets whether the DocumentModels for this sheet should be serialized to the form resources, rather than generating code that initializes the Cells, Columns, Rows, and AlternatingRows. |
 | SheetCorner | Gets the sheet corner of the sheet. |
 | SheetCornerHorizontalGridLine | Gets or sets the horizontal grid line for the sheet corner. |
 | SheetCornerStyle | Gets or sets the style information for the sheet corner. |
 | SheetCornerStyleName | Gets or sets the name of the style for the sheet corner. |
 | SheetCornerVerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line for the sheet corner. |
 | SheetName | Gets or sets the name of the sheet. |
 | ShowEditingRowSelector | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the editing row header of the selected row for the sheet. |
 | ShowIndicatorIndexes | |
 | ShowRowSelector | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a row selector in the row header of the selected row for the sheet. |
 | Site | Overridden. Gets or sets the site. |
 | SparklineContainer | Gets or sets a sparkline container for the sheet for maintaining sparklines. |
 | StartingColumnNumber | Gets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first column header on this sheet. |
 | StartingRowNumber | Gets or sets the number or letter displayed in the first row header on this sheet. |
 | StopUpdatingChartDataSource | |
 | Tag | Gets or sets an application-defined tag value associated with the cells in this sheet. |
 | TitleInfo | Sheet title |
 | Validations | Gets the object which manages all DataValidtions. |
 | VerticalGridLine | Gets or sets the vertical grid line on this sheet. |
 | View | Get or set the view type of a SheetView. |
 | Visible | Gets or sets whether to display the sheet. |
 | VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the sheet. |
 | ZoomFactor | Gets or sets the scaling factor for displaying this sheet. |