Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model Namespace / ISheetSpanModelChangingEventSupport Interface
Methods Events

ISheetSpanModelChangingEventSupport Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISheetSpanModelChangingEventSupport.

Public Methods
 MethodAdds a cell span to the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
 MethodRemoves all cell spans from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
 MethodFinds the cell span with the specified cell in the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
 MethodGets an enumerator for iterating to the next cell span in the collection after the specified span. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
 MethodDetermines whether the model is empty of cell spans. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
 MethodRemoves the cell span with the specified anchor cell from the collection. (Inherited from FarPoint.Win.Spread.Model.ISheetSpanModel)
Public Events
 EventOccurs when the span model is going to change.  
See Also