DefaultSheetSpanModel Class Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by DefaultSheetSpanModel.
Public Constructors
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | Add | Overridden. Adds a cell span to the collection. |
 | Clear | Overloaded. Overridden. Removes all cell spans from the collection. |
 | Deserialize | Loads the span object from XML. |
 | Find | Overridden. Finds the cell span in the collection that includes the cell at specified row and column. |
 | GetEnumerator | Overloaded. Overridden. Gets an enumerator for iterating to the next cell span in the collection after the specified span. |
 | GetObjectData | Populates the SerializationInfo class with information about the default sheet span model settings. |
 | IsEmpty | Overridden. Determines whether the model is empty of cell spans. |
 | Remove | Overridden. Removes all cell spans in the collection that include the cell at the specified row and column. |
 | Serialize | Saves the span object to XML. |
Public Events
See Also