| Name | Description |
 | AddColumn | Overloaded. Adds a column to the data model after the last column. |
 | AddColumns | Adds one or more columns to the data model at the specified position. |
 | AddCustomName | Overloaded. Adds a named expression to the model for use in formulas. |
 | AddModelScopeCustomName | Adds a custom name to the model scope. |
 | AddRow | Overloaded. Adds a row to the data model after the last row. |
 | AddRows | Adds rows to the data model at the specified position. |
 | AddRowToDataSource | Adds the unbound row to the data source. |
 | AddUnboundRows | Adds unbound rows to the data model. |
 | CheckModelScopeName | Checks if the specified name is one of the model scope custom names of this data model and returns the name of the custom name in the data model. |
 | CheckName | Checks if the specified name is one of the common scope custom names of this data model and returns the name of the custom name in the data model. |
 | Clear | Removes all the data and formulas from the specified range of cells. |
 | ClearCustomFunctions | Removes all user-defined custom functions from the model. |
 | ClearCustomNames | Removes all named expressions from the model. |
 | ClearData | Removes all the data from the specified range of cells. |
 | ClearFormulas | Removes all of the formulas from the specified range of cells. |
 | ClearModelScopeCustomName | Removes all named expressions from the model scope. |
 | CompareExpression | Gets whether two expressions are equal. |
 | Copy | Copies the data from a range of cells to a specified range of cells. |
 | Deserialize | Loads the object from XML. |
 | EvaluateExpression | Evaluates the expression in the cell at the specified row and column and returns the resulting object. |
 | GetArray | Overloaded. Gets an object array from a specified range of cells. |
 | GetCellErrorText | Gets a user-defined note value for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | GetChildDataModel | Gets the data model (ISheetDataModel object) for the specified row and data relation. |
 | GetChildRelation | Gets the name of the child data relation at the specified position. |
 | GetColumnIndex | Gets the index of the column specified by name. |
 | GetCustomName | Gets a named expression from the model with the specified base index for relative cell references. |
 | GetCustomNameComment | Gets a comment for a common custom name. |
 | GetCustomNameEnumerator | Gets an IEnumerator that enumerates through the names of the named expressions in the model. |
 | GetDataColumnCaption | Gets the column caption at the specified position. |
 | GetDataColumnFromModelColumn | Gets the data source column index for the specified column in the model. |
 | GetDataColumnName | Gets the column name at the specified position. |
 | GetDataColumnType | Gets the column data type at the specified position. |
 | GetDataRow | Gets the view of a specified row of data. |
 | GetDataRowFromModelRow | Gets the data source row index for the specified row in the model. |
 | GetDataTable | Gets the data table associated with this model. |
 | GetDataView | Overloaded. Gets the DataView object associated with this model. |
 | GetFormula | Gets the formula, as a string value, for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | GetItem | Returns the IEditableObject from a row that is data bound to a DataView or ListSource. |
 | GetModelColumnFromDataColumn | Gets the column in the model for the specified data source column. |
 | GetModelRowFromDataRow | Gets the row in the model for the specified data source row. |
 | GetModelScopeCustomName | Gets a named expression from the model with the specified base index for relative cell references. |
 | GetModelScopeCustomNameComment | Gets the comment from a custom name. |
 | GetModelScopeNameEnumerator | Gets an IEnumerator that enumerates through the names of the named expressions in the model. |
 | GetNonEmptyErrorTextsColumnCount | Gets the number of columns that contain notes. |
 | GetNonEmptyErrorTextsRowCount | Gets the number of rows that contain notes. |
 | GetNonEmptyNotesColumnCount | Gets the number of columns that contain notes. |
 | GetNonEmptyNotesRowCount | Gets the number of rows that contain notes. |
 | GetNote | Overridden. Gets a user-defined note value for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | GetObjectData | Serializes the DefaultSheetDataModel to the SerializationInfo object. |
 | GetRowErrorText | Gets a user-defined error value for the cell of the specified row. |
 | GetTag | Overridden. Gets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | GetUnboundValue | Gets the unbound value for the cell for the specified row and column. |
 | GetValue | Overridden. Gets the value of the cell for the specified row and column. |
 | GoalSeek | Attempts to find a value for one cell that produces the desired formula result in another cell. |
 | IsColumnBound | Determines whether the specified column is bound to a data source column. |
 | IsEditable | Overridden. Determines whether the value in the cell of the specified row and column can be edited. |
 | IsEmpty | Overridden. Determines whether the data model is empty. |
 | IsRowBound | Determines whether the specified row is bound to a data source row. |
 | IsRowUsed | Specifies whether the row uses a formula, tag, or note. |
 | LoadFormulas | Loads formulas that are deserialized, but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized. |
 | ModifyCustomName | Changes the name of the shared custom name. |
 | ModifyModelScopeCustomName | Modifies the name of a model scope custom name. |
 | Move | Moves the data from a range of cells to the specified location. |
 | NextNonEmptyColumnFormula | Returns the next non-empty column with a formula. |
 | NextNonEmptyColumnInRow | Overridden. Gets the index of the next column in a specified row that contains data. |
 | NextNonEmptyRow | Returns the index of the next row that has data. |
 | ParseFormula | Parses the string value and returns the expression for the cell at the specified row and column. |
 | PreviousNonEmptyColumnInRow | Overloaded. Gets the previous non-empty column in the row. |
 | PreviousNonEmptyRow | Overloaded. Gets the previous nonempty row. |
 | Recalculate | Evaluates the formulas in the sheet that have changed since the last calculation cycle. |
 | RecalculateAll | Evaluates all the formulas in the entire sheet (including those that have not changed since the last calculation cycle). |
 | RemoveColumn | Removes a column at the specified position. |
 | RemoveColumns | Removes one or more columns starting with the column at the specified position. |
 | RemoveCustomName | Removes a named expression from the model. |
 | RemoveModelScopeCustomName | Removes a custom name in the model scope. |
 | RemoveRow | Removes a row at the specified position. |
 | RemoveRows | Removes one or more rows, starting with the specified row. |
 | ResumeFormulaParsing | Resumes parsing of formulas and parses all formulas set while parsing was suspended. |
 | Serialize | Overloaded. Saves the object to XML. |
 | SetArray | Overloaded. Sets an object array into a specified range of cells. |
 | SetCellErrorText | Sets a user-defined note value for the cell at the specified row and column. |
 | SetCustomNameComment | Sets a comment for a common custom name. |
 | SetFormula | Sets the formula, as a string value, for the cell of the specified row and column. If you pass null, it clears the expression from that cell. |
 | SetModelDataColumn | Overloaded. Binds a model column to a specified data source column. |
 | SetModelScopeCustomNameComment | Sets a custom name comment. |
 | SetNote | Overridden. Sets a user-defined note value for the cell at the specified row and column. |
 | SetRowErrorText | Internal method to set row expression without triggering auto calculation. |
 | SetTag | Overridden. Sets an application-defined tag value for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | SetValue | Overridden. Sets the value for the cell of the specified row and column. |
 | ShareCalculations | |
 | SuspendFormulaParsing | Suspends parsing of formulas. |
 | Swap | Swaps the specified ranges of cells. |
 | UnparseFormula | Gets the formula, as a string value, from the specified expression for the cell at the specified row and column. |
 | UnshareCalculations | |