| Name | Description |
 | AddControl | Overloaded. Adds a child control to a specified sheet at the location of the specified row and column. |
 | AddCustomFunction | Adds a user-defined custom function (GrapeCity.CalcEngine.Function object) to the model for use in formulas. |
 | AddNewSheetView | Creates a new SheetView and inserts or replaces the sheet at the specified sheet index. |
 | AddViewport | Overloaded. Adds a row or column of viewports. |
 | AsWorkbook | Gets the coressponding GrapeCity.Spreadsheet.IWorkbook object that allows accessing to new object model and API set. |
 | Attach | Attachs a Workbook object to the spread control. |
 | BeginInvoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | BringToFront | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | CancelAnnotationMode | Cancels annotation mode. |
 | CancelCellEditing | Cancels cell editing. |
 | ClearCachedStyle | Clears the cached composition result of all sheets. Internal use only. |
 | ClearCustomFunctions | Clears all custom functions. |
 | Contains | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | CopyTableStyleTo | Copy table style name to target FpSpread |
 | CreateControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | CreateGraphics | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | CreateObjRef | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | CreateTableStyle | Creates a table style based on the table style contained in the table style collection or a built-in table style. |
  | DisplayHelp | Show help |
 | Dispose | Overloaded. Overridden. Cleans up any resources being used. |
 | DoDragDrop | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | DrawToBitmap | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | EndInvoke | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | FindForm | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | Focus | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | GetActionMap | Gets the action map, that maps action identifiers (for keystrokes) to particular actions. |
 | GetActiveColumnViewportIndex | Overloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport column for the active sheet. |
 | GetActiveRowViewportIndex | Overloaded. Gets the index of the active viewport row for the active sheet. |
 | GetCellFromPixel | Gets the row and column indexes of the cell at the specified pointer location. |
 | GetCellRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the cell. |
 | GetChildAtPoint | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | GetColumnHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
 | GetColumnPageBreaks | Overloaded. Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
 | GetColumnRangeGroupHeight | Gets the height of the column range group. |
 | GetColumnSplitBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column split bar. |
 | GetColumnSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column split box. |
 | GetColumnViewportCount | Overloaded. Gets the number of viewport columns in the active sheet. |
 | GetColumnViewportIndexFromX | Gets the index of the viewport column for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
 | GetContainerControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | GetCursor | Gets the pointer displayed over different areas of the component. |
 | GetCustomFunction | Gets a user-defined custom function from the workbook. |
 | GetCustomFunctionEnumerator | |
 | GetDesignerSetting | |
  | GetExcelSheetNames | Overloaded. Gets an array of sheet names from the specified Excel stream. |
 | GetFilterBarHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the column header. |
 | GetFilterBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the filter bar. |
 | GetHorizontalScrollBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the horizontal scroll bar. |
 | GetInputMap | Overloaded. Gets the input map defined for the specified focus mode. |
 | GetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus | Gets the input map when a child control has keyboard focus. |
 | GetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus | Gets the input map when a shape has keyboard focus. |
 | GetLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | GetMaximumCellOverflowWidth | Gets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels. |
 | GetNextControl(Control,Boolean) | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | GetOwnerPrintColumnPageBreaks | Overloaded. Gets the column page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
 | GetOwnerPrintInfo | Gets the printing information required to print a given sheet into the supplied rectangle. |
 | GetOwnerPrintPageCount | Gets the number of pages required to print a given sheet into the supplied rectangle. |
 | GetOwnerPrintRowPageBreaks | Overloaded. Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
 | GetPreferredSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | GetPrintPageCount | Gets the number of pages required to print the specified sheet. |
 | GetPrintPreview | Gets the print preview dialog. |
 | GetRootWorkbook | Gets the main workbook associated with the Spread component. |
 | GetRowHeaderRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row header. |
 | GetRowPageBreaks | Overloaded. Gets the row page breaks for the specified sheet under the current printing conditions. |
 | GetRowRangeGroupWidth | Gets the width of the row range group. |
 | GetRowSplitBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row split bar. |
 | GetRowSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the row split box. |
 | GetRowViewportCount | Overloaded. Gets the number of viewport rows. |
 | GetRowViewportIndexFromY | Gets the index of the viewport row for the specified coordinate for the active sheet. |
 | GetSheet | Gets sheetview at index. |
 | GetSheetFromTag | Gets a sheet with a specific tag. |
 | GetSheetTabRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the tab associated with a sheet. |
 | GetTabSplitBoxRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the split box on the tab strip. |
 | GetTabStripRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the tab strip. |
 | GetUIManager | Get the UI manager for Spread |
 | GetVerticalScrollBarRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the vertical scroll bar. |
 | GetViewportBottomRow | Overloaded. Gets the row after the last row of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
 | GetViewportLeftColumn | Overloaded. Gets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
 | GetViewportPreferredHeight | Overloaded. Gets the maximum height of the viewport row for the active sheet. |
 | GetViewportPreferredWidth | Overloaded. Gets the maximum width of the specified viewport column. |
 | GetViewportRectangle | Gets the rectangle of the viewport. |
 | GetViewportRightColumn | Overloaded. Gets the column after the rightmost column of the specified viewport for the active sheet. |
 | GetViewportTopRow | Overloaded. Gets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the specified sheet. |
 | GoalSeek | Attempts to find the value for one cell that produces the desired formula result in another cell. |
 | Hide | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | HideDependents | Overloaded. Hides the dependents. |
 | HideDragFillPopup | Hide drag fill context menu. |
 | HidePrecedents | Overloaded. Hides the precedents. |
 | HideTouchKeyboard | Hides the touch keyboard. |
 | HitTest | Performs a hit test. |
 | InitializeLifetimeService | (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
 | Invalidate | Overloaded. |
 | Invoke | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | IsCellInView | Returns whether the cell at the specified location is visible in the specified view. |
 | IsExcelFile | Overloaded. Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered an Excel file. |
 | IsExcelStream | Overloaded. Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered a stream that contains an Excel workbook. |
 | IsSpreadSSFile | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered a Spread SS file. |
 | IsSpreadXmlFile | Opens the specified file and determines whether it meets the minimal requirements to be considered a Spread XML file. |
  | LoadC1Assembly | Load C1 Assembly from installation folder |
 | LoadFormulas | Loads formulas that are deserialized but not parsed yet, to be used after all sheets have been created and deserialized. |
 | LoadXmlInputMapFile | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file using the specified operation mode. |
 | LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the child has the focus. |
 | LoadXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus | Overloaded. Loads the XML input map file when the shape has the focus. |
 | LogicalToDeviceUnits | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | OnClipboardChanging | Raises the ClipboardChanging event. |
 | OnSkinApplied | |
 | Open | Overloaded. Opens a saved XML file. |
 | OpenExcel | Overloaded. Opens an Excel Compound Document File and loads it into Spread. |
 | OpenSpreadFile | Opens a saved Spread file. |
 | OwnerPrintDraw | Overloaded. Prints the specified page of the specified sheet to a specified graphics interface with the specified size. |
 | PassString | Internal use only. |
 | PassStringBytes | Internal use only. |
 | PerformLayout | Overloaded. Forces the component to apply layout logic to its child controls. |
 | PointToClient | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | PointToScreen | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | PreProcessControlMessage | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | PreProcessMessage | Overridden. |
 | PrintSheet | Overloaded. Handles the printing of the specified sheet in a separate thread. |
 | RectangleToClient | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | RectangleToScreen | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | Refresh | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | RemoveControl | Removes a child control from the specified sheet. |
 | RemoveCustomFunction | Removes a user-defined custom function. |
 | RemoveViewport | Overloaded. Removes a row or column of viewports. |
 | Reset | Resets the component to its original state. |
 | ResetBackColor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetBindings | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetCellNoteIndicatorRenderer | Resets the focus renderer to its original state. |
 | ResetCursor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetFocusRenderer | Resets the focus renderer to its original state. |
 | ResetFont | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetForeColor | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetImeMode | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetRightToLeft | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResetText | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ResumeLayout | Overloaded. Resumes normal layout logic. |
 | SafeAbort | Handles the closing of the abort dialog in the specified FpSpread component in a separate thread. |
 | SafePrint | Handles the printing of the specified sheet in the specified FpSpread component in the same thread. |
 | Save | Overloaded. Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified file. |
 | SaveExcel | Overloaded. Saves the content of the Spread component to the specified stream. |
 | SaveXmlInputMapFile | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file. |
 | SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenChildHasFocus | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file when child has focus. |
 | SaveXmlInputMapFileWhenShapeHasFocus | Overloaded. Saves the XML input map file when shape has focus. |
 | Scale | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ScaleBitmapLogicalToDevice | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | Search | Overloaded. Searches the text in the specified range of cells in the specified sheet for the specified string with the specified criteria. |
 | SearchHeaders | Overloaded. Searches the text in the header cells in the specified sheet for the specified string. |
 | SearchWithDialog | Overloaded. Searches the text in the cells of the active sheet for the search string with the default criteria using a provided search dialog. |
 | SearchWithDialogAdvanced | Overloaded. Searches the text in the cells of the sheets for the search string with the default criteria using a provided advanced search dialog. |
 | Select | Overloaded. Overridden. Selects the Spread component. |
 | SelectNextControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | SendToBack | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | SetActionMap | Sets the action map, that maps action identifiers (for keystrokes) to particular actions. |
 | SetActiveViewport | Overloaded. Sets the active viewport for the active sheet. |
 | SetBounds | Overloaded. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | SetCursor | Sets the pointer displayed over different areas of the component. |
 | SetDefaultProperty | |
 | SetInputMap | Overloaded. Sets the input map for the specified focus mode. |
 | SetInputMapWhenChildHasFocus | Sets the input map when a child control has keyboard focus. |
 | SetInputMapWhenShapeHasFocus | Sets the input map when a shape has keyboard focus. |
 | SetInsertSheetImage | Sets the custom image displayed on the insert sheet tab. |
 | SetMaximumCellOverflowWidth | Sets the maximum cell overflow width in pixels. |
 | SetPrintInfo | Sets the PrintInfo object for the specfied sheet. |
 | SetPrintPreview | Sets the print preview dialog. |
 | SetProtect | Changes the protect structure setting with the password parameter. |
 | SetViewportLeftColumn | Overloaded. Sets the leftmost column of cells of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
 | SetViewportPreferredHeight | Overloaded. Sets the maximum height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
 | SetViewportPreferredWidth | Overloaded. Sets the maximum width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
 | SetViewportTopRow | Overloaded. Sets the top row of cells of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
 | ShouldSerializeAsResource | Determines whether the workbook data should be serialized. |
 | ShouldSerializeGroupBarText | Indicates whether the GroupBarText property should be persisted. |
 | Show | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
 | ShowActiveCell | Moves the active cell to the specified position in the component. |
 | ShowCell | Moves the specified cell in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
 | ShowCellValidatorsForm | Shows the form that is used to edit Cell Validators of selected range |
 | ShowCollectionEditor | Shows the collection editor. |
 | ShowColumn | Moves a column of cells in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
 | ShowDataValidationForm | Shows the form that is used to edit DataValidation of selected range |
 | ShowDependents | Shows the dependent cells for a formula cell. |
 | ShowEditForm | Displays the form used for editing custom names. |
 | ShowInputMapEditor | Displays the input map editor. |
 | ShowListCustomNameForm | Displays the form that contains a list of custom names. |
 | ShowPageSetup | Overloaded. Shows the page setup dialog with the specified buttons for the specified sheet. |
 | ShowPrecedents | Shows the cells that are referred to by formulas in other cells. |
 | ShowRow | Moves a row in the specified viewport to the specified position in the component. |
 | ShowTouchKeyboard | Displays the touch keyboard. |
 | StartAnnotationMode | Overloaded. Starts annotation mode. |
 | StartCellEditing | Starts cell editing. |
 | StartInkNotation | Overloaded. Starts ink notation in the active viewport if the Microsoft.Ink assembly is found in the GAC. |
 | StopAnnotationMode | Stops annotation mode. |
 | StopCellEditing | Stops cell editing. |
 | SuspendLayout | Temporarily suspends the layout logic for this component. |
 | ToString | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | TriggerVolatileCells | This function will notify all cells, which contains volatile functions or belong to a circuit, to recalculate. |
 | Update | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |