Spread WinForms 15
FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly / FarPoint.Win.Spread.CellType Namespace / IPaintingContext Interface
Properties Methods

IPaintingContext Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IPaintingContext.

Public Properties
 PropertyGets the column index of current context cell.  
 PropertyGets a boolean value indicating whether cell diagonal line is enable.  
 PropertyGets or set the graphics device interface for painting.  
 PropertyGets or sets whether to printing with black and white mode.  
 PropertyGets a boolean value indicating whether the cell is in a locked state.  
 PropertyGets a boolean value indicating whether the cell is in a selected state.  
 PropertyGet a PaintingLocation value indicates the painting location.  
 PropertyGets or sets the back color of an object when the cell is locked.  
 PropertyGets or sets the text color of an object when the cell is locked.  
 PropertyGets a boolean value indicating whether the cell is in 'right to left' display mode.  
 PropertyGets the row index of current context cell.  
 PropertyGets or sets the text color of an object when the object is selected.  
 PropertyGets or sets the font for a selected object.  
 PropertyGets or sets the background color of an object when the object is selected.  
 PropertyGets the current context worksheet.  
 PropertyGets the zoom factor used for painting this cell.  
Public Methods
 MethodOverloaded. Gets the corresponding GDI+ brush.  
 MethodOverloaded. Gets the corresponding GDI+ color.  
 MethodGets the corresponding GDI+ font.  
 MethodGets the corresponding GDI+ pen.  
See Also