IMixSeries Interface Members
The following tables list the members exposed by IMixSeries.
| Name | Description |
 | Series | Gets the collection of series. This interface is the same as ICompositeSeries. There are several reasons why two similar interfaces are needed. Reason: 1. ICompositeSeries is used for certain older charts (ClusteredBarSeries, StackedPointSeries, StackedAreaSeries, and so on.). It contains a list of the same type of series, and these series use different source data. 2. IMixSeries is used for some new charts (for example: ParetoSeries). It contains a list of different types of series. IMixSeries is needed for new charts since the original charts use ICompositeSeries and it contains logic for adding many series with different sources. Many of the new charts have a series that is based on only one data source. For example: With the following data Ser1 Ser2 Cat1 1 3 Cat2 2 2 Cat3 3 1 ICompositeSeries returns the series that contains a list of 2 series (series1 with data[1, 2, 3] and series2 with data[3, 2, 1] IMixSeries returns 2 series: 1st series is a series that contains a series with different types and data is [1, 2, 3] 2nd series is a series that contains a series with different types and data is [3, 2, 1] |