| Class | Description |
 | AbsFunctionInfo | Returns the absolute value of the specified value. |
 | AccrIntFunctionInfo | Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest. |
 | AccrIntMFunctionInfo | Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity. |
 | AcosFunctionInfo | Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified value. The angle is in radians between 0 (zero) and pi. |
 | AcoshFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the specified value. |
 | AddOperatorInfo | Represents the addition operator. |
 | AddressFunctionInfo | Creates a cell address as text, given specified row and column numbers. |
 | AmordegrcFunctionInfo | Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. |
 | AmorlincFunctionInfo | Returns the depreciation for each accounting period. |
 | AndFunctionInfo | Returns true if all its arguments are true; otherwise, returns false if one or more arguments are false. |
 | ArrayExpression | Represents an expression with an array of constant values as the expression. |
 | ArrayExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating ArrayExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | AsinFunctionInfo | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified value. |
 | AsinhFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. |
 | Atan2FunctionInfo | Returns the arctangent of the specified x- and y-coordinates. |
 | AtanFunctionInfo | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified value. |
 | AtanhFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. |
 | AveDevFunctionInfo | Returns the average of the absolute deviations of the specified values from their mean. |
 | AverageAFunctionInfo | Returns the average of the specified values. |
 | AverageFunctionInfo | Returns the average of the specified values. |
 | AverageIfFunctionInfo | |
 | AverageIfsFunctionInfo | |
 | BesselIFunctionInfo | Returns the Bessel function of the first kind evaluated for purely imaginary arguments. |
 | BesselJFunctionInfo | Returns the Bessel function of the first kind. |
 | BesselKFunctionInfo | Returns the modified Bessel function of the second kind evaluated for purely imaginary arguments. |
 | BesselYFunctionInfo | Returns the Bessel function of the second kind. |
 | BetaDistFunctionInfo | Returns the cumulative beta distribution function. |
 | BetaInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta distribution function. |
 | Bin2DecFunctionInfo | Converts a binary number to decimal. |
 | Bin2HexFunctionInfo | Converts a binary number to hexadecimal. |
 | Bin2OctFunctionInfo | Converts a binary number to octal. |
 | BinaryOperatorExpression | Represents an expression with a binary operator applied to a pair of operands as the expression. |
 | BinaryOperatorExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating BinaryOperatorExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | BinaryOperatorInfo | Represents the abstract base class for defining binary operators. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | BinomDistFunctionInfo | Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability. |
 | BooleanExpression | Represents an expression type with a boolean constant value as the expression. |
 | BooleanExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating BooleanExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | CalcArray | Represents an array of constants during the evaluation of a formula. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | CalcConvert | Represents the converting of a value to a specified data type. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
 | CalcError | Represents calculation errors. |
 | CalcErrorConverter | Converts CalcError objects to and from other data types. |
 | CalcMissingArgument | Represents a missing argument during the evaluation of a formula. |
 | CalcReference | Represents a cell or range reference during the evaluation of a formula. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | CeilingFunctionInfo | Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a specified value. |
 | CellExpression | Represents an expression with a cell reference as the expression. |
 | CellExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating CellExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | CharFunctionInfo | Returns the character specified by a number. |
 | ChiDistFunctionInfo | Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. |
 | ChiInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. |
 | ChiTestFunctionInfo | Returns the test for independence from the chi-squared distribution. |
 | ChooseFunctionInfo | Returns a value from a list of values. |
 | CleanFunctionInfo | Removes all nonprintable characters from text. |
 | CodeFunctionInfo | Returns a numeric code to represent the first character in a text string. |
 | ColumnFunctionInfo | Returns the column number of a reference. |
 | ColumnsFunctionInfo | Returns the number of columns in an array or reference. |
 | CombinFunctionInfo | Returns the number of possible combinations for a specified number of items. |
 | ComplexFunctionInfo | |
 | ConcatenateFunctionInfo | Combines multiple text strings or numbers into one text string. |
 | ConcatenateOperatorInfo | Represents the concatenation operator. |
 | ConfidenceFunctionInfo | Returns the confidence interval for a population mean. |
 | ConstantExpression | Represents the abstract class from which all constant value expression types derive. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | ConvertFunctionInfo | Returns an indication of whether a number is equal to a threshold. |
 | CorrelFunctionInfo | Returns the correlation coefficient of the two sets of data. |
 | CosFunctionInfo | Returns the cosine of the specified angle. |
 | CoshFunctionInfo | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified value. |
 | CountAFunctionInfo | Counts the number of number values in the arguments. |
 | CountBlankFunctionInfo | Returns the number of empty (or blank) cells in a range of cells on a sheet. |
 | CountFunctionInfo | Counts the number of number values in the arguments. |
 | CountIfFunctionInfo | Counts values based on criteria. |
 | CountIfsFunctionInfo | |
 | CoupDayBSFunctionInfo | Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date. |
 | CoupDaysFunctionInfo | Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date. |
 | CoupDaysNCFunctionInfo | Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date. |
 | CoupNCDFunctionInfo | Returns a number that represents the next coupon date after the settlement date. |
 | CoupNumFunctionInfo | Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date, rounded up to the nearest whole coupon. |
 | CoupPcdFunctionInfo | Returns a number that represents the previous coupon date before the settlement date. |
 | CovarFunctionInfo | Returns the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair in two sets of numbers. |
 | CritBinomFunctionInfo | Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value. |
 | CumIpmtFunctionInfo | Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between start_period and end_period. |
 | CumPrincFunctionInfo | Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between start_period and end_period. |
 | DateDifFunctionInfo | Returns the number of days, months, or years betwwen two dates. |
 | DateFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object for a particular date, specified by the year, month, and day. |
 | DateValueFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object of the specified date. |
 | DAverageFunctionInfo | Returns the average of values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DayFunctionInfo | Returns the day number of the month (integer 1 to 31) that corresponds to the specified date. |
 | Days360FunctionInfo | Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year. |
 | DbFunctionInfo | Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method. |
 | DCountAFunctionInfo | Counts the cells that are not empty in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DCountFunctionInfo | Counts the cells that contain numbers in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DdbFunctionInfo | Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method or another method you specify. |
 | Dec2BinFunctionInfo | Converts a decimal number to binary. |
 | Dec2HexFunctionInfo | Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal. |
 | Dec2OctFunctionInfo | Converts a decimal number to octal. |
 | DegreesFunctionInfo | Converts the specified value from radians to degrees. |
 | DeltaFunctionInfo | Identifies whether two values are equal. |
 | DevSqFunctionInfo | Returns the sum of squares of deviations of data points from their sample mean. |
 | DGetFunctionInfo | Extracts a single value from a column in a list that matches the specified conditions. |
 | DiscFunctionInfo | Returns the discount rate for a security. |
 | DivideOperatorInfo | Represents the division operator. |
 | DMaxFunctionInfo | Returns the largest number in a column in a list that matches the specified conditions. |
 | DMinFunctionInfo | Returns the smallest number in a column in a list that matches the specified conditions. |
 | DollarDeFunctionInfo | Converts a dollar price expressed as a fraction into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number. |
 | DollarFrFunctionInfo | Converts a dollar price expressed as a fraction into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number. |
 | DollarFunctionInfo | Converts a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place. |
 | DoubleExpression | Represents an expression with a double constant value as the expression. |
 | DoubleExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating DoubleExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | DProductFunctionInfo | Multiplies the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DStDevFunctionInfo | Estimates the standard deviation of a population based on a sample, using the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DStDevPFunctionInfo | Calculates the standard deviation of a population based on the entire populcation, using the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DSumFunctionInfo | Adds the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DurationFunctionInfo | Returns the Macauley duration for an assumed par value of $100. |
 | DVarFunctionInfo | Estimates the variance of a population based on a sample, using the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | DVarPFunctionInfo | Calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population, using the values in a column in a list that match the specified conditions. |
 | EDateFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object that is the indicated number of months before or after a specified date. |
 | EffectFunctionInfo | Returns the effective annual interest rate for a given nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year. |
 | EoMonthFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object for the last day of the month (end of month) that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date. |
 | EqualOperatorInfo | Represents the equals operator. |
 | ErfcFunctionInfo | Returns the complementary error function integrated between a lower limit and infinity. |
 | ErfFunctionInfo | Returns the error function integrated between a lower and an upper limit. |
 | ErrorExpression | Represents an expression with an error constant value as the expression. |
 | ErrorExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating ErrorExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | ErrorTypeFunctionInfo | Returns a number corresponding to one of the error values. |
 | EuroConvertFunctionInfo | Converts a currency value from one source to another. |
 | EuroFunctionInfo | Returns one euro as a given national currency. |
 | EvenFunctionInfo | Rounds the specified value up to the nearest even integer. |
 | ExactFunctionInfo | Returns 1 (True) if two strings are the same; otherwise, 0 (False). |
 | ExpFunctionInfo | Returns e raised to the power of the specified value. |
 | ExponDistFunctionInfo | Returns the exponential distribution or the probability density. |
 | ExponentOperatorInfo | Represents the exponent operator. |
 | Expression | Represents the abstract class from which all expression types derive. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | ExternalCellExpression | Represents an expression with an external cell reference as the expression. |
 | ExternalCellExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating ExternalCellExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | ExternalNameExpression | Represents an expression with an external named variable as the expression. |
 | ExternalRangeExpression | Represents an expression with an external range reference as the expression. |
 | ExternalRangeExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating ExternalRangeExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | ExternalReferenceExpression | Represents the abstract class from which all external reference expression types derive. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | FactDoubleFunctionInfo | Returns the double factorial of a number. |
 | FactFunctionInfo | Returns the factorial of the specified number. |
 | FalseFunctionInfo | Returns the value for logical false. |
 | FDistFunctionInfo | Returns the F probability distribution, to see degrees of diversity between two sets of data. |
 | FindFunctionInfo | Finds one text value within another. |
 | FInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution. |
 | FisherFunctionInfo | Returns the Fisher transformation for a specified value. |
 | FisherInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation. |
 | FixedFunctionInfo | Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals, formats the number in decimal format using a period and commas, and returns the result as text. |
 | FloorFunctionInfo | Rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a specified value. |
 | ForecastFunctionInfo | Calculates a future value using existing values. |
 | FpCategoryAttribute | Represents the FarPoint category attribute. |
 | FrequencyFunctionInfo | Returns the number of possible permutations for a specified number of items. |
 | FTestFunctionInfo | Represents the FTEST function. |
 | FunctionExpression | Represents an expression with a function applied to a list of parameters as the expression. |
 | FunctionExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating FunctionExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | FunctionInfo | Represents an abstract base class for defining functions. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | FvFunctionInfo | Returns the future value of an investment based on a present value, periodic payments, and a specified interest rate. |
 | FvScheduleFunctionInfo | Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates. |
 | GammaDistFunctionInfo | Returns the gamma distribution. |
 | GammaInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution. |
 | GammaLnFunctionInfo | Returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma function. |
 | GcdFunctionInfo | Returns the greatest common divisor of two numbers. |
 | GeoMeanFunctionInfo | Returns the geometric mean of a set of positive data. |
 | GeStepFunctionInfo | Returns an indication of whether a number is equal to a threshold. |
 | GreaterThanOperatorInfo | Represents the greater than operator. |
 | GreaterThanOrEqualOperatorInfo | Represents the greater than or equal operator. |
 | GrowthFunctionInfo | |
 | HarMeanFunctionInfo | Returns the harmonic mean of a data set. |
 | Hex2BinFunctionInfo | Converts a hexadecimal number to binary. |
 | Hex2DecFunctionInfo | Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal. |
 | Hex2OctFunctionInfo | Converts a hexadecimal number to octal. |
 | HLookupFunctionInfo | Returns a value or the reference to a value from within an array or range. |
 | HourFunctionInfo | Returns the hour that corresponds to the provided time. |
 | HypGeomDistFunctionInfo | Returns the hypergeometric distribution. |
 | IfErrorFunctionInfo | |
 | IfFunctionInfo | Returns one of two provided values based on a logical value after performing a comparison. |
 | ImAbsFunctionInfo | |
 | ImaginaryFunctionInfo | |
 | ImArgumentFunctionInfo | |
 | ImConjugateFunctionInfo | |
 | ImCosFunctionInfo | |
 | ImDivFunctionInfo | |
 | ImExpFunctionInfo | |
 | ImLnFunctionInfo | |
 | ImLog10FunctionInfo | |
 | ImLog2FunctionInfo | |
 | ImPowerFunctionInfo | |
 | ImProductFunctionInfo | |
 | ImRealFunctionInfo | |
 | ImSinFunctionInfo | |
 | ImSqrtFunctionInfo | |
 | ImSubFunctionInfo | |
 | ImSumFunctionInfo | |
 | IndexFunctionInfo | Returns a value or the reference to a value from within an array or range. |
 | InterceptFunctionInfo | Calculates the point at which a line intersects the y-axis by using existing x-values and y-values. |
 | IntersectOperatorInfo | Represents the intersect operator. |
 | IntFunctionInfo | Rounds a specified number down to the nearest integer. |
 | IntRateFunctionInfo | Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security. |
 | IpmtFunctionInfo | Returns the calculation of payment of interest on a loan. |
 | IrrFunctionInfo | Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows represented by the numbers in values. |
 | IsBlankFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell is empty. |
 | IsErrFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has an error other than not available (#N/A). |
 | IsErrorFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has an error of any kind. |
 | IsEvenFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell is even. |
 | IsLogicalFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell is a logical value. |
 | IsNAFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has the not available (#N/A) error value. |
 | IsNonTextFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has non-text data. |
 | IsNumberFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has numeric data. |
 | IsOddFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell is odd. |
 | IspmtFunctionInfo | |
 | IsRefFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value is a cell reference. |
 | IsTextFunctionInfo | Tests whether a value, expression, or referenced cell has text data. |
 | KurtFunctionInfo | Returns the kurtosis of a data set. |
 | LargeFunctionInfo | Returns the nth largest value in a data set. |
 | LcmFunctionInfo | Returns the least common multiple of integers. |
 | LeftFunctionInfo | Returns the first (or leftmost) characters from a text value. |
 | LenFunctionInfo | Returns the number of characters in a text string. |
 | LessThanOperatorInfo | Represents the less than operator. |
 | LessThanOrEqualOperatorInfo | Represents the less than or equal operator. |
 | LinEstFunctionInfo | |
 | LnFunctionInfo | Returns the natural logarithm of the specified number. |
 | Log10FunctionInfo | Returns the logarithm base 10 of a number. |
 | LogEstFunctionInfo | |
 | LogFunctionInfo | Returns the logarithm base Y of a number X. |
 | LogInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x. |
 | LogNormDistFunctionInfo | Returns the cumulative natural log normal distribution of x. |
 | LookupFunctionInfo | Returns a value or the reference to a value from within an array or range. |
 | LowerFunctionInfo | Converts text to lowercase letters. |
 | MatchFunctionInfo | |
 | MaxAFunctionInfo | Returns the maximum value of all arguments. |
 | MaxFunctionInfo | Returns the maximum value of all arguments. |
 | MDetermFunctionInfo | |
 | MDurationFunctionInfo | Returns the modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100. |
 | MedianFunctionInfo | Returns the number in the middle of the provided set of numbers. |
 | MidFunctionInfo | Returns the requested number of characters from a text string starting at the position you specify. |
 | MinAFunctionInfo | Returns the minimum value of all arguments. |
 | MinFunctionInfo | Returns the minimum value of all arguments. |
 | MinuteFunctionInfo | Returns the minute corresponding to the provided time value. |
 | MInverseFunctionInfo | |
 | MIrrFunctionInfo | Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows. |
 | MissingArgumentExpression | Represents an expression with a missing argument constant value as the expression. |
 | MMultFunctionInfo | |
 | ModeFunctionInfo | Returns the most frequently occurring value in a set of data. |
 | ModFunctionInfo | Returns the remainder after the Number argument (dividend) is divided by the Divisor argument. |
 | MonthFunctionInfo | Returns the month corresponding to the specified date value. |
 | MRoundFunctionInfo | Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple. |
 | MultinomialFunctionInfo | Calculates the ratio of the factorial of a sum of values to the product of factorials. |
 | MultiplyOperatorInfo | Represents the multiplication operator. |
 | MultiRangeExpression | Represents an expression with the two values as the reference expression. |
 | NAFunctionInfo | Returns the error value #N/A that means 'not available'. |
 | NameExpression | Represents an expression with a named variable as the expression. |
 | NegateOperatorInfo | Represents the unary negation operator. |
 | NegBinomDistFunctionInfo | Returns the negative binomial distribution. |
 | NetWorkdaysFunctionInfo | Returns the number of whole working days between start date and end date. |
 | NFunctionInfo | Returns a value converted to a number. |
 | NominalFunctionInfo | Returns the nominal annual interest rate for a given effective rate and number of compounding periods per year. |
 | NormDistFunctionInfo | Returns the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. |
 | NormInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the given mean and standard deviation. |
 | NormSDistFunctionInfo | Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. |
 | NormSInvFunctionInfo | Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. |
 | NotEqualOperatorInfo | Represents the not-equal operator. |
 | NotFunctionInfo | Reverses the logical value of its argument. |
 | NowFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object of the current date and time. |
 | NPerFunctionInfo | Returns the number of periods for an investment based on a present value, future value, periodic payments, and a specified interest rate. |
 | NpvFunctionInfo | Calculates the net present value of an investment by using a discount rate and a series of future payments and income. |
 | Oct2BinFunctionInfo | Converts a octal number to binary. |
 | Oct2DecFunctionInfo | Converts a octal number to decimal. |
 | Oct2HexFunctionInfo | Converts a octal number to hexadecimal. |
 | OddFPriceFunctionInfo | Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) first period. |
 | OddFunctionInfo | Rounds the specified value up to the nearest odd integer. |
 | OddFYieldFunctionInfo | Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) first period. |
 | OddLPriceFunctionInfo | Returns the price per $100 face value of a security having an odd (short or long) last coupon period. |
 | OddLYieldFunctionInfo | Returns the yield of a security that has an odd (short or long) last period. |
 | OffsetFunctionInfo | Returns a reference to a range that is the specified number of rows and columns from a the specified cell or range. |
 | OperatorInfo | Represents the abstract base class for defining operators. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | OrFunctionInfo | Returns true if any argument is true; returns false if all arguments are false. |
 | ParenthesesExpression | Represents an expression type for parentheses surrounding a specified expression. |
 | ParenthesesExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating ParenthesesExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | PearsonFunctionInfo | Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. |
 | PercentileFunctionInfo | Returns the nth percentile of values in a range. |
 | PercentOperatorInfo | Represents the percentage operator. |
 | PercentRankFunctionInfo | Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set. |
 | PermutFunctionInfo | Returns the number of possible permutations for a specified number of items. |
 | PiFunctionInfo | Provides pi as 3.1415926536. |
 | PlusOperatorInfo | Represents the unary plus operator. |
 | PmtFunctionInfo | Returns the payment amount for a loan given the present value, specified interest rate, and number of terms. |
 | PoissonFunctionInfo | Returns the Poisson distribution. |
 | PowerFunctionInfo | Raises the specified number to the given power. |
 | PpmtFunctionInfo | Returns the amount of payment of principal. |
 | PriceDiscFunctionInfo | Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security. |
 | PriceFunctionInfo | Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest. |
 | PriceMatFunctionInfo | Returns the price at maturity per $100 face value of a security that pays interest. |
 | ProbFunctionInfo | Returns the probability that values in a range are between two limits. |
 | ProductFunctionInfo | Multiplies all the arguments and returns the product. |
 | ProperFunctionInfo | Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text string. |
 | PvFunctionInfo | Returns the present value of an investment based on the interest rate, number and amount of periodic payments, and future value. |
 | QuartileFunctionInfo | Returns the quartile (of which quarter or 25 percent) of a data set. |
 | QuotientFunctionInfo | Returns the integer portion of a division. |
 | RadiansFunctionInfo | Converts the specified number from degrees to radians. |
 | RandBetweenFunctionInfo | Represents the RANDBETWEEN function. |
 | RandFunctionInfo | Returns an evenly distributed random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. |
 | RangeExpression | Represents an expression with a range reference as the expression. |
 | RangeExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating RangeExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | RankFunctionInfo | Returns the rank of a number in a set of numbers. |
 | RateFunctionInfo | Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity. |
 | ReceivedFunctionInfo | Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security. |
 | ReferenceExpression | Represents the abstract class from which all reference expression types derive. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | ReplaceFunctionInfo | Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. |
 | ReptFunctionInfo | Repeats text a specified number of times. |
 | RightFunctionInfo | Returns the rightmost characters from a text value. |
 | RomanFunctionInfo | |
 | RoundDownFunctionInfo | Rounds the specified number down to the nearest number, using the specified number of decimal places. |
 | RoundFunctionInfo | Rounds the specified value to the nearest number, using the specified number of decimal places. |
 | RoundUpFunctionInfo | Rounds the specified number up to the nearest number, using the specified number of decimal places. |
 | RowFunctionInfo | Returns the row number of a reference. |
 | RowsFunctionInfo | Returns the number of rows in an array or reference. |
 | RSqFunctionInfo | Represents the RSQ function. |
 | SearchFunctionInfo | |
 | SecondFunctionInfo | Returns the seconds (0 to 59) value for a specified time value. |
 | SeriesSumFunctionInfo | Returns the sum of a power series. |
 | SignFunctionInfo | Returns the sign of a number. |
 | SinFunctionInfo | Returns the sine of the specified angle. |
 | SinhFunctionInfo | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified number. |
 | SkewFunctionInfo | Returns the skewness of a distribution. |
 | SlnFunctionInfo | Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. |
 | SlopeFunctionInfo | Calculates the slope of a linear regression. |
 | SmallFunctionInfo | Returns the nth smallest value in a data set. |
 | SqrtFunctionInfo | Returns the positive square root of the specified number. |
 | SqrtPiFunctionInfo | Represents the SQRTPI function. |
 | StandardizeFunctionInfo | Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by mean and standard deviation. |
 | StDevAFunctionInfo | Returns the standard deviation for a set of numbers. |
 | StDevFunctionInfo | Returns the standard deviation for a set of numbers. |
 | StDevPAFunctionInfo | Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments. |
 | StDevPFunctionInfo | Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population given as arguments. |
 | StEyxFunctionInfo | Returns the standard error of the predicted y value for each x. |
 | StringExpression | Represents an expression with a string constant value as the expression. |
 | SubstituteFunctionInfo | Substitutes a new string for specified characters in an existing string. |
 | SubtotalFunctionInfo | Returns a subtotal. |
 | SubtractOperatorInfo | Represents the subtraction operator. |
 | SumFunctionInfo | Sums values, cells, or blocks. |
 | SumIfFunctionInfo | Sums values based on criteria. |
 | SumIfsFunctionInfo | |
 | SumProductFunctionInfo | Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products. |
 | SumSqFunctionInfo | Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments. |
 | SumX2MY2FunctionInfo | Returns the sum of the difference of the squares of two arrays. |
 | SumX2PY2FunctionInfo | Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
 | SumXMY2FunctionInfo | Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
 | SydFunctionInfo | Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period. |
 | TableReferenceExpression | Represents an expression with a table reference as the expression. |
 | TanFunctionInfo | Returns the tangent of the specified angle. |
 | TanhFunctionInfo | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified number. |
 | TBillEqFunctionInfo | Returns the equivalent yield for a Treasury bill (or T-bill). |
 | TBillPriceFunctionInfo | Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill (or T-bill). |
 | TBillYieldFunctionInfo | Returns the yield for a Treasury bill (or T-bill). |
 | TDistFunctionInfo | Returns the probability for the t-distribution. |
 | TextFunctionInfo | |
 | TFunctionInfo | Returns the text referred to by value. |
 | TimeFunctionInfo | Returns a TimeSpan object for the given hour, minute, and second. |
 | TimeValueFunctionInfo | Returns a TimeSpan object represented by a text string. |
 | TInvFunctionInfo | Returns the t-value of the t-distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom. |
 | TodayFunctionInfo | Returns the DateTime object of the current date. |
 | TransposeFunctionInfo | |
 | TrendFunctionInfo | |
 | TrimFunctionInfo | Removes extra spaces from a string and leaves single spaces between words. |
 | TrimMeanFunctionInfo | Returns the mean of a subset of data excluding the topmost and bottommost data. |
 | TrueFunctionInfo | Returns the value for logical true. |
 | TruncFunctionInfo | Removes the specified fractional part of the specified number. |
 | TTestFunctionInfo | Returns the probability associated with a t-test. |
 | TypeFunctionInfo | Returns the type of value. |
 | UnaryOperatorExpression | Represents an expression with a unary operator applied to a single operand as the expression. |
 | UnaryOperatorExpressionFactory | Represents a means of creating UnaryOperatorExpression objects in environments that do not support parameterized constructors. |
 | UnaryOperatorInfo | Represents the abstract base class for defining unary operators. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
 | UndefinedFunctionInfo | Represents an undefined function. |
 | UnionOperatorInfo | Represents the union operator. |
 | UpperFunctionInfo | Converts text to uppercase. |
 | ValueFunctionInfo | Converts a string that represents a number to a number. |
 | VarAFunctionInfo | Calculates variance based on a sample of a population. |
 | VarFunctionInfo | Calculates variance based on a sample of a population. |
 | VarPAFunctionInfo | Calculates variance based on the entire population. |
 | VarPFunctionInfo | Calculates variance based on the entire population. |
 | VdbFunctionInfo | Returns the depreciation of an asset for any period you specify using the variable declining balance method. |
 | VLookupFunctionInfo | Returns a value or the reference to a value from within an array or range. |
 | WeekdayFunctionInfo | Returns the number corresponding to the day of the week for a specified date. |
 | WeekNumFunctionInfo | Returns a number that indicates the week of the year numerically. |
 | WeibullFunctionInfo | Returns the two-parameter Weibull distribution. |
 | WorkdayFunctionInfo | Returns a number that represents a date that is the indicated number of working days before or after start date. |
 | XirrFunctionInfo | Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. |
 | XnpvFunctionInfo | Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. |
 | YearFracFunctionInfo | Returns the year as an integer for a specified date. |
 | YearFunctionInfo | Returns the year as an integer for a specified date. |
 | YieldDiscFunctionInfo | Returns the annual yield for a discounted security. |
 | YieldFunctionInfo | Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest. |
 | YieldMatFunctionInfo | Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity. |
 | ZTestFunctionInfo | Returns the significance value of a z-test. |