public class PathGeometry : Geometry, IDisposable, IUnknown
Initializes a new instance of the PathGeometry class.
public PathGeometry(IntPtr nativePtr)
System.IntPtrThe native pointer.
Creates an empty PathGeometry.
public static PathGeometry Create(Factory factory)
HRESULT ID2D1PathGeometry::GetFigureCount([Out] unsigned int* count)
public int GetFigureCount()
HRESULT ID2D1PathGeometry::GetSegmentCount([Out] unsigned int* count)
public int GetSegmentCount()
HRESULT ID2D1PathGeometry::Open([Out] ID2D1GeometrySink** geometrySink)
public GeometrySinkNative Open()
Copies the contents of the path geometry to the specified IGeometrySink.
public void Stream(IGeometrySink geometrySink)
IGeometrySinkThe sink to which the path geometry's contents are copied. Modifying this sink does not change the contents of this path geometry.
Performs an explicit conversion from System.IntPtr to PathGeometry.
public static explicit operator PathGeometry(IntPtr nativePointer)