Contains information about a tracked COM object.
public class ObjectReference
Initializes a new instance of the ObjectReference class.
public ObjectReference(DateTime creationTime, ComObject comObject, string stackTrace)
System.DateTimeThe creation time.
ComObjectThe com object to track.
stringThe stack trace.
Gets the time the object was created.
public DateTime CreationTime { get; }
The creation time.
Gets a value indicating whether the tracked object is alive.
public bool IsAlive { get; }
if tracked object is alive; otherwise, false
Gets a weak reference to the tracked object.
public WeakReference Object { get; }
The weak reference to the tracked object.
Gets the stack trace when the track object was created.
public string StackTrace { get; }
The stack trace.
Returns a string that represents this instance.
public override string ToString()
A string that represents this instance.