Represents a two dimensional mathematical vector.
public struct Vector2 : IEquatable<Vector2>, IFormattable
Initializes a new instance of the Vector2 struct.
public Vector2(float x, float y)
floatInitial value for the X component of the vector.
floatInitial value for the Y component of the vector.
Initializes a new instance of the Vector2 struct.
public Vector2(float value)
floatThe value that will be assigned to all components.
Initializes a new instance of the Vector2 struct.
public Vector2(float[] values)
float[]The values to assign to the X and Y components of the vector. This must be an array with two elements.
Thrown when values
is null
Thrown when values
contains more or less than two elements.
A Vector2 with all of its components set to one.
public static readonly Vector2 One
The size of the Vector2 type, in bytes.
public const int SizeInBytes = 8
The X unit Vector2 (1, 0).
public static readonly Vector2 UnitX
The Y unit Vector2 (0, 1).
public static readonly Vector2 UnitY
The X component of the vector.
public float X
The Y component of the vector.
public float Y
A Vector2 with all of its components set to zero.
public static readonly Vector2 Zero
Gets a value indicting whether this instance is normalized.
public bool IsNormalized { get; }
Gets or sets the component at the specified index.
public float this[int index] { get; set; }
intThe index of the component to access. Use 0 for the X component and 1 for the Y component.
The value of the X or Y component, depending on the index.
Thrown when the index
is out of the range [0, 1].
Gets the length of the vector.
public float Length { get; }
Gets the squared length of the vector.
public float LengthSquared { get; }
Returns a vector whose elements are the absolute values of each of the specified vector's elements.
public static Vector2 Abs(Vector2 value)
Vector2A vector.
The absolute value vector.
Calculates the absolute value vector.
public static void AbsRef(ref Vector2 value)
Vector2A vector.
Adds two vectors.
public static Vector2 Add(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The sum of the two vectors.
Calculates an angle between two vectors, in radians.
public static float AngleBetween(Vector2 vector1, Vector2 vector2)
Restricts a vector between a minimum and a maximum value.
public static Vector2 Clamp(Vector2 value, Vector2 min, Vector2 max)
The restricted vector.
Divides the first vector by the second.
public static Vector2 Divide(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The vector resulting from the division.
Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value.
public static Vector2 Divide(Vector2 left, float divisor)
Vector2The vector.
floatThe scalar value.
The vector that results from the division.
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
public static float Dot(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The dot product of the two vectors.
Determines whether the specified Vector2 is equal to this instance.
public bool Equals(Vector2 other)
Vector2Determines whether the specified object is equal to this instance.
public override bool Equals(object value)
objectReturns a hash code for this instance.
public override int GetHashCode()
A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors based on the given weighting.
public static Vector2 Lerp(Vector2 value1, Vector2 value2, float amount)
Vector2The first vector.
Vector2The second vector.
floatA value between 0 and 1 that indicates the weight of value2.
The interpolated vector.
Returns a vector containing the largest components of the specified vectors.
public static Vector2 Max(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
A vector containing the largest components of the source vectors.
Returns a vector containing the smallest components of the specified vectors.
public static Vector2 Min(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
A vector containing the smallest components of the source vectors.
Modulates a vector with another by performing component-wise multiplication.
public static Vector2 Multiply(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The modulated vector.
Scales a vector by the given value.
public static Vector2 Multiply(Vector2 value, float scale)
Vector2The vector to scale.
floatThe amount by which to scale the vector.
The scaled vector.
Reverses the direction of a given vector.
public static Vector2 Negate(Vector2 value)
Vector2The vector to negate.
A vector facing in the opposite direction.
Reverses the direction of the vector.
public static void NegateRef(ref Vector2 value)
Vector2The vector to negate.
Converts the vector into a unit vector.
public static Vector2 Normalize(Vector2 value)
Vector2The vector to normalize.
The normalized vector.
Converts the vector into a unit vector.
public static void NormalizeRef(ref Vector2 value)
Vector2The vector to normalize.
Subtracts two vectors.
public static Vector2 Subtract(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The difference of the two vectors.
Creates an array containing the elements of the vector.
public float[] ToArray()
A two-element array containing the components of the vector.
Returns a string that represents this instance.
public override string ToString()
A string that represents this instance.
Returns a string that represents this instance.
public string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider)
System.IFormatProviderThe format provider.
A string that represents this instance.
Returns a string that represents this instance.
public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
stringThe format.
System.IFormatProviderThe format provider.
A string that represents this instance.
Returns a string that represents this instance.
public string ToString(string format)
stringThe format.
A string that represents this instance.
Adds the vector to the point.
public static Point2F operator +(Vector2 vector, Point2F point)
Adds two vectors.
public static Vector2 operator +(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The sum of the two vectors.
Divides the first vector by the second.
public static Vector2 operator /(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The vector resulting from the division.
Divides the specified vector by a specified scalar value.
public static Vector2 operator /(Vector2 value, float divisor)
Vector2The vector.
floatThe scalar value.
The vector that results from the division.
Tests for equality between two objects.
public static bool operator ==(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
public static explicit operator Vector3(Vector2 value)
Vector2The value.
The result of the conversion.
public static explicit operator Vector4(Vector2 value)
Vector2The value.
The result of the conversion.
Tests for inequality between two objects.
public static bool operator !=(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
Modulates a vector with another by performing component-wise multiplication.
public static Vector2 operator *(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The multiplication of the two vectors.
Scales a vector by the given value.
public static Vector2 operator *(Vector2 value, float scale)
Vector2The vector to scale.
floatThe amount by which to scale the vector.
The scaled vector.
Scales a vector by the given value.
public static Vector2 operator *(float scale, Vector2 value)
floatThe amount by which to scale the vector.
Vector2The vector to scale.
The scaled vector.
Subtracts two vectors.
public static Vector2 operator -(Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
The difference of the two vectors.
Reverses the direction of a given vector.
public static Vector2 operator -(Vector2 value)
Vector2The vector to negate.
A vector facing in the opposite direction.