Builtin GaussianBlur effect.
public class GaussianBlur : Effect, IDisposable, IUnknown
Initializes a new instance of the GaussianBlur class.
public GaussianBlur(IntPtr nativePtr)
System.IntPtrThe native pointer.
The mode used to calculate the border of the image, soft or hard. See BorderMode modes for more info.
public BorderMode BorderMode { get; set; }
The optimization mode. See GaussianBlurOptimization modes for more info.
public GaussianBlurOptimization Optimization { get; set; }
Default value is Balanced.
Gets or sets the amount of blur to be applied to the image. Default: 1.0f
public float StandardDeviation { get; set; }
You can compute the blur radius of the kernel by multiplying the standard deviation by 3. The units of both the standard deviation and blur radius are DIPs. A value of zero DIPs disables this effect entirely.
Initializes a new instance of GaussianBlur effect.
public static GaussianBlur Create(DeviceContext context)