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Enum ChartType


Specifies the chart type.

public enum ChartType


Area = 8

Specifies the area type.

Area3D = 7

Specifies the 3D area type.

AreaStacked = 37

Specifies the stacked area type.

AreaStacked100 = 38

Specifies the 100% stacked area type.

AreaStacked1003D = 40

Specifies the 3D 100% stacked area type.

AreaStacked3D = 39

Specifies the 3D stacked area type.

BarClustered = 18

Specifies the clustered bar type.

BarClustered3D = 21

Specifies the 3D clustered bar type.

BarOfPie = 32

Specifies bar of pie type.

BarStacked = 19

Specifies the stacked bar type.

BarStacked100 = 20

Specifies the 100% stacked bar type.

BarStacked1003D = 23

Specifies the 3D 100% stacked bar type.

BarStacked3D = 22

Specifies the 3D stacked bar.

BoxWhisker = 55

Specifies the box and whisker type.

Bubble = 11

Specifies the bubble type.

Bubble3DEffect = 48

Specifies the bubble with 3D effects type.

Column3D = 6

Specifies the 3D column type.

ColumnClustered = 12

Specifies the clustered column type.

ColumnClustered3D = 15

Specifies the 3D clustered column.

ColumnStacked = 13

Specifies the stacked column.

ColumnStacked100 = 14

Specifies the 100% stacked column.

ColumnStacked1003D = 17

Specifies the 3D 100% stacked column type.

ColumnStacked3D = 16

Specifies the 3D stacked column.

Combo = 0

Specifies the combo type.

Doughnut = 3

Specifies the doughnut type.

DoughnutExploded = 41

Specifies the exploded doughnut type.

Funnel = 56

Specifies the funnel type.

Histogram = 58

Specifies the histogram type.

Line = 9

Specifies the line type.

Line3D = 5

Specifies the 3D line type.

LineMarkers = 26

Specifies a line type with markers.

LineMarkersStacked = 27

Specifies a stacked line type with markers.

LineMarkersStacked100 = 28

Specifies 100% stacked line type with markers.

LineStacked = 24

Specifies the stacked line type.

LineStacked100 = 25

Specifies the 100% stacked line type.

Pareto = 59

Specifies the pareto type.

Pie = 10

Specifies the pie type.

Pie3D = 4

Specifies the 3D pie type.

PieExploded = 30

Specifies the exploded pie type.

PieExploded3D = 31

Specifies the exploded 3D pie type.

PieOfPie = 29

Specifies pie of pie type.

Radar = 2

Specifies the radar type.

RadarFilled = 43

Specifies the filled radar type.

RadarMarkers = 42

Specifies the radar with data markers type.

StockHLC = 49

Specifies the high-low-close type.

StockOHLC = 50

Specifies open-high-low-close type.

StockVHLC = 51

Specifies the volume-high-low-close type.

StockVOHLC = 52

Specifies the volume-open-high-low-close type.

Sunburst = 53

Specifies the sunburst type.

Surface = 44

Specifies the 3D surface type.

SurfaceTopView = 46

Specifies the surface (top view) type.

SurfaceTopViewWireframe = 47

Specifies the surface (top view wireframe) type.

SurfaceWireframe = 45

Specifies the 3D surface (wireframe) type.

Treemap = 54

Specifies the treemap type.

Waterfall = 57

Specifies the waterfall type.

XYScatter = 1

Specifies the scatter type.

XYScatterLines = 35

Specifies the scatter with lines type.

XYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 36

Specifies the scatter with lines and no data markers type.

XYScatterSmooth = 33

Specifies the scatter with smoothed lines type.

XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 34

Specifies the scatter with smoothed lines and no data markers type.