Specifies the description of the Japanese input rules.
public enum IMEModeType
Disabled = 3
Specifies the mode is disabled.
FullAlpha = 7
Specifies full-width alphanumeric.
FullHangul = 9
Specifies full-width Hangul.
FullKatakana = 5
Specifies the mode is Katakana.
HalfAlpha = 8
Specifies half-width alphanumeric.
HalfHangul = 10
Specifies Hangul.
HalfKatakana = 6
Specifies the mode is half-width Katakana.
Hiragana = 4
Specifies the mode is Hiragana.
NoControl = 0
Specifie no control.
Off = 2
Specifies the mode is off (English mode).
On = 1
Specifies the mode is on.