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Enum ValidationType


Specifies the type of validation test to be performed in conjunction with values.

public enum ValidationType


Custom = 7

Specifies that the data validation uses a custom formula to check the cell value.

Date = 4

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows date values that meet the given condition.

Decimal = 2

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows decimal values that meet the given condition.

List = 3

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows a value that matches one in a list of values.

None = 0

Specifies that the data validation allows any type of value and does not check for a type or range of values.

TextLength = 6

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows text values whose length meet the given condition.

Time = 5

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows time values that meet the given condition.

Whole = 1

Specifies that the data validation checks for and allows whole number values that meet the given condition.