RangeTemplate provide a template from a range of referenced worksheet, it can apply to a cell. It will render the cell same as the template and fill data differently.If the param row, col, rowCount, colCount not set , it will use the sheet's usedrange as the range scope.
public class RangeTemplateCellType : BaseCellType
Use the range to create a RangeTemplateCellType.
public RangeTemplateCellType(IRange range)
Use a worksheet and it's range infos to create a RangeTemplateCellType.
public RangeTemplateCellType(IWorksheet worksheet, int row = 0, int column = 0, int rowCount = 0, int columnCount = 0)
IWorksheetAn IWorksheet object that used to be referenced. The sheet could be an individual sheet outside the workbook.
intthe template scope start row.
intthe template scope start column.
intthe template scope row count.
intthe template scope column count.
Update the range that used to be referenced.
public void UpdateTemplate(IRange range)