Represents information about the collection of IPivotTables associated with the specified ISlicerCache object.
public interface ISlicerPivotTables : IEnumerable
Gets the number of objects in the collection.
int Count { get; }
Gets the IPivotTable with the specified index.
IPivotTable this[int index] { get; }
intthe index.
Adds a reference to a PivotTable to the ISlicerPivotTables collection.
void AddPivotTable(IPivotTable pivotTable)
IPivotTableA IPivotTable object that represents the PivotTable to add.
Removes a reference to a PivotTable from the ISlicerPivotTables collection.
void RemovePivotTable(IPivotTable pivotTable)
IPivotTableA IPivotTable object that represents the PivotTable to remove.