Represents a collection of all the ITable objects on a worksheet. Each ITable object represents a list in the worksheet.
public interface ITables : IEnumerable
Returns the number of objects in the collection (read-only).
int Count { get; }
Gets the ITable at the specified index.
ITable this[int index] { get; }
intThe index.
Gets the ITable with the specified name.
ITable this[string name] { get; }
stringThe ITable name.
Creates a table that includes the specified range of cells and returns the newly created object.
ITable Add(IRange range, bool containsHeader = false)
IRangeThe applied range.
boolWhether the range contains a header.
Generate the tables from json string.
void FromJson(string json)
stringThe JSON string representing the tables.
Generate the string from tables.
string ToJson()
The JSON string representing the tables.