Represents an IWorkbook object.
public interface IWorkbook
Returns an object that represents the active sheet (the sheet on top) in the active workbook or in the specified window or workbook. Returns null if no sheet is active (read-only).
IWorksheet ActiveSheet { get; }
Gets or sets whether allow dynamic array formula.
bool AllowDynamicArray { get; set; }
Determines whether to automatically parse when setting a range value to a string value.
bool AutoParse { get; set; }
Determines whether to round the number to 15 significant figures when getting the value.
bool AutoRoundValue { get; set; }
Returns an object that represents the view settings of this workbook(read-only).
IWorkbookView BookView { get; }
Gets a collection that represents all the built-in document properties of the workbook.
IBuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection BuiltInDocumentProperties { get; }
[Init-only] Gets or sets culture for the workbook. The culture must contain both country/region and language.
CultureInfo Culture { get; set; }
This property must be set within the initialization expression of the workbook instance.
Gets a collection that represents all the custom document properties of the workbook.
ICustomDocumentPropertyCollection CustomDocumentProperties { get; }
Gets the custom views of the workbook.
ICustomViews CustomViews { get; }
Specifies the table style name from the ITableStyleCollection collection that is used as the default TableStyle (read/write).
string DefaultTableStyle { get; set; }
Gets or sets whether update the dirty state of the formula cells immediately when changing the value of a cell.
bool DeferUpdateDirtyState { get; set; }
Gets or sets whether the calculation engine is valid.
bool EnableCalculation { get; set; }
Returns the name of the workbook, including its path on disk.
string FullName { get; }
Provides graphics information. If this property doesn't have value, the workbook will use built-in graphic information.
IGraphicsInfo GraphicsInfo { get; set; }
Gets or sets a string value that represents the name of the workbook.
string Name { get; set; }
Returns the INames collection that represents the workbook-specified names. This is a read-only INames object.
INames Names { get; }
Returns the IExcelOptions object that represents some settings to control workbook behavior.
IExcelOptions Options { get; }
Gets or sets a string that represents the path to the workbook file that this workbook object represents.
string Path { get; set; }
Returns the IPivotCaches collection that represents all the IPivotTable caches in the specified workbook (read-only).
IPivotCaches PivotCaches { get; }
True if the order of the sheets in the workbook is protected. Read-only Boolean.
bool ProtectStructure { get; }
True if the windows of the workbook are protected. Read-only Boolean.
bool ProtectWindows { get; }
Gets or sets the reference style.
ReferenceStyle ReferenceStyle { get; set; }
Determines whether to reset adjacent range's border when setting border for a range. The default value of this property is true.
bool ResetAdjacentRangeBorder { get; set; }
Returns a IWorksheets collection that represents all the selected sheets in the specified workbook.
IWorksheets SelectedSheets { get; }
Gets a collection of Signature objects that correspond to the digital signature attached to a document.
ISignatureSet Signatures { get; }
Gets the ISlicerCaches object associated with the workbook.
ISlicerCaches SlicerCaches { get; }
Returns the IStyleCollection collection that represents all the styles in the specified workbook (read-only).
IStyleCollection Styles { get; }
Returns the ITableStyleCollection collection object for the current workbook that refers to the styles used in the current workbook (read-only).
ITableStyleCollection TableStyles { get; }
Returns or sets the theme applied to the current workbook.
ITheme Theme { get; set; }
Returns the IWorksheets collection that represents all the worksheets in the specified workbook. This is a read-only Sheets object.
IWorksheets Worksheets { get; }
Provides access to the workbook write protection options.
WriteProtection WriteProtection { get; }
Add data source for template.
void AddDataSource(string name, object dataSource)
stringthe alias name of the data source.
objectCan be object of DataSet, DataTable, Custom object and variable.
Calculates formulas of the workbook as needed.
void Calculate()
Convert the calculated barcodes to pictures and place them in their respective positions.
The original barcode formulas will be cleared.
Not support EMF and WMF image types.
void ConvertBarcodeToPicture(ImageType imageType = ImageType.SVG)
Designates all the formulas of the workbook to be recalculated when the next calculation occurs.
void Dirty()
Generates a workbook from a JSON stream.
IList<JsonError> FromJson(Stream stream, DeserializationOptions deserializationOptions = null)
System.IO.StreamThe stream
DeserializationOptionsThe DeserializationOptions object.
The errors in the JSON.
Generates a workbook from a JSON string.
IList<JsonError> FromJson(string json, DeserializationOptions deserializationOptions = null)
stringThe JSON
DeserializationOptionsThe DeserializationOptions object.
The errors in the JSON.
Generates a workbook from a JSON stream containing the contents of .sjs file format.
void FromSjsJson(Stream stream, SjsOpenOptions openOptions)
System.IO.StreamThe JSON stream.
SjsOpenOptionsThe open options for opening SpreadJS .sjs file.
Generates a workbook from a JSON stream containing the contents of .sjs file format.
void FromSjsJson(Stream stream)
System.IO.StreamThe JSON stream.
Generates a workbook from a JSON string containing the contents of .sjs file format.
void FromSjsJson(string json, SjsOpenOptions openOptions)
stringThe JSON string.
SjsOpenOptionsThe open options for opening SpreadJS .sjs file.
Generates a workbook from a JSON string containing the contents of .sjs file format.
void FromSjsJson(string json)
stringThe JSON string.
Process the template and return the instance of report workbook.
IWorkbook GenerateReport()
Process the template and return the instance of report workbook.
IWorkbook GenerateReport(params IWorksheet[] worksheets)
IWorksheet[]IWorksheet collection that need to be processed.
Returns the names of the linked excel documents.
IEnumerable<string> GetExcelLinkSources()
Gets all fonts information that used on workbook.
IEnumerable<FontInfo> GetUsedFonts()
Specifies whether the file is password protected.
bool IsEncryptedFile(Stream fileStream)
System.IO.StreamThe file stream.
True if the file is encrypted, false otherwise.
Specifies whether the file is password protected.
bool IsEncryptedFile(string fileName)
stringThe file name.
True if the file is encrypted, false otherwise.
Opens the specified format file stream.
void Open(Stream fileStream, OpenFileFormat fileFormat)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
OpenFileFormatThe format of the file stream.
Opens the stream with specified options.
void Open(Stream fileStream, OpenOptionsBase options)
System.IO.StreamThe file stream.
OpenOptionsBaseThe format of opening the file stream. Possible types:
Opens the specified excel file stream.
void Open(Stream fileStream, string password = null, OpenOptions openOptions = null)
System.IO.StreamThe file stream.
stringThe password of the file.
OpenOptionsOptions for opening.
This method is now obsolete.
Opens the file stream.
void Open(Stream fileStream)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
Opens the JSON file.
IList<JsonError> Open(string fileName, DeserializationOptions deserializationOptions)
stringThe specified JSON file.
DeserializationOptionsThe JSON deserialization options.
The error list of the JSON.
Opens the specified format file.
void Open(string fileName, OpenFileFormat fileFormat)
stringThe specified file.
OpenFileFormatThe format of the file.
Opens the file with specified options.
void Open(string fileName, OpenOptionsBase options)
stringThe excel file.
OpenOptionsBaseThe options of opening the file. Possible types:
Opens the specified excel file.
void Open(string fileName, string password = null, OpenOptions openOptions = null)
stringThe excel file.
stringThe password of the file.
OpenOptionsOptions for opening.
This method is now obsolete.
Opens the file.
void Open(string fileName)
stringThe specified file.
Prints the workbook.
void PrintOut(PrintOutOptions options = null)
PrintOutOptionsOptions for printing the workbook.
Start to process the template
void ProcessTemplate()
Start to process the template with global options and cancellation support.
void ProcessTemplate(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
System.Threading.CancellationTokenThe token to monitor for cancellation requests.
The caller must decide whether to accept the partially expanded template or revert to the previous state. If the caller needs to revert to the previous state, it must serialize the workbook before calling this method, then deserialize the workbook after canceling the operation.
Throws when the System.Threading.CancellationToken was canceled.
Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified.
void Protect(bool structure = true, bool windows = false)
boolTrue to protect the structure of the workbook (To prevent other users from viewing hidden worksheets, adding, moving, deleting, or hiding worksheets, and renaming worksheets). The default value is true.
boolTrue to prevent users from moving, resizing, or closing the workbook window, or hide/unhide windows. This option is available only in Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel for Mac 2011, and Excel 2016 for Mac.
Protects a workbook so that it cannot be modified.
void Protect(string password, bool structure = true, bool windows = false)
stringPassword to protect the workbook.
boolTrue to protect the structure of the workbook (To prevent other users from viewing hidden worksheets, adding, moving, deleting, or hiding worksheets, and renaming worksheets).
boolTrue to prevent users from moving, resizing, or closing the workbook window, or hide/unhide windows. This option is available only in Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel for Mac 2011, and Excel 2016 for Mac.
Saves the specified format file stream.
void Save(Stream fileStream, SaveFileFormat fileFormat)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
SaveFileFormatThe format of the file stream.
Saves workbook to stream with specified options.
void Save(Stream fileStream, SaveOptionsBase options)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
SaveOptionsBaseThe options of saving the file stream. Possible types:
Saves data to the specified excel file stream.
void Save(Stream fileStream, string password = null, SaveOptions saveOptions = null)
System.IO.StreamThe file stream.
stringThe password of the file.
SaveOptionsOptions for saving.
Saves the workbook to the stream.
void Save(Stream fileStream)
System.IO.StreamThe file stream.
Saves the specified format file.
void Save(string fileName, SaveFileFormat fileFormat)
stringThe specified file.
SaveFileFormatThe format of the file.
Saves workbook to file with specified options.
void Save(string fileName, SaveOptionsBase options)
stringThe specified file.
SaveOptionsBaseThe options of saving the file. Possible types:
Saves data to the specified excel file.
void Save(string fileName, string password = null, SaveOptions saveOptions = null)
stringThe excel file.
stringThe password of the file.
SaveOptionsOptions for saving.
Saves the workbook to the disk.
void Save(string fileName)
stringThe file name.
Generates a JSON string from a workbook.
string ToJson(SerializationOptions serializationOptions = null)
SerializationOptionsThe SerializationOptions object.
The JSON string.
Generates a JSON stream from a workbook.
void ToJson(Stream stream, SerializationOptions serializationOptions = null)
System.IO.StreamThe specified JSON stream.
SerializationOptionsThe SerializationOptions object.
Generates a JSON string from a workbook. It integrates all JSON files from the SJS file into a single string.
string ToSjsJson()
Json data.
Generates a JSON string from a workbook. It integrates all JSON files from the SJS file into a single string.
string ToSjsJson(SjsSaveOptions options)
SjsSaveOptionsOption for saving sjs file.
Json data.
Integrates all JSON files from the SJS file into a single string, then put the string into the stream.
void ToSjsJson(Stream stream, SjsSaveOptions options)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
SjsSaveOptionsOption for saving sjs file.
Integrates all JSON files from the SJS file into a single string, then put the string into the stream.
void ToSjsJson(Stream stream)
System.IO.StreamThe specified file stream.
Removes protection from the workbook.
void Unprotect(string password = null)
stringPassword to protect the workbook.
Updates a excel link.
void UpdateExcelLink(string name, IWorkbook sourceWorkbook)
stringthe link name.
IWorkbookthe workbook instance for the link.
Updates a excel link.
void UpdateExcelLink(string name)
stringthe link name.
Updates all the excel links.
void UpdateExcelLinks()
Waits for all calculation to complete, including asynchronous calculations. This method blocks the current thread until all calculations have finished. Users can call this method to ensure that all necessary computations have been performed before proceeding with any other operations that depend on the calculation results.
void WaitForCalculationToFinish()
Occurs after the workbook is saved.
event EventHandler AfterSave
Occurs before the workbook is saved.
event EventHandler BeforeSave
Occurs when a new sheet is created in the workbook.
event EventHandler<SheetEventArgs> NewSheet
Occurs when the workbook is opened.
event EventHandler Opened
Occurs when a sheet is activate.
event EventHandler<SheetEventArgs> SheetActivate
Occurs before a sheet is deleted.
event EventHandler<SheetEventArgs> SheetBeforeDelete
Occurs when something changes in the cells of a sheet.
event EventHandler<RangeEventArgs> SheetChange
Occurs when a sheet is deactivated.
event EventHandler<SheetEventArgs> SheetDeactivate
Occurs when the selection changes on a sheet.
event EventHandler<RangeEventArgs> SheetSelectionChange